Christmas w/his family - part 1

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A/n : This is my first imagine so sorry if it sucks... Please tell me how I can do better, I don't mind criticism. Thanks for reading!!

It was December 22nd, and you were at the airport with your longtime boyfriend, Justin. Usually you spend Christmas at home with him. just the 2 of you and the tree you decorated together, but this year he took you to celebrate Christmas with his family in Canada. You were gonna be spending 3-4 days at his dad's including Christmas Day and Eve, and the rest of Christmas Day at his mom's.

"You nervous?"
He asked with a bit of worry in his face, he reached over to hold your hand.

"No, why?"
You looked at him confused, Tryna figure what tf he talking about.

"No, no reason.."
He pulled his hand back.

You side eyed him, telling him to cut the bullshit.

"It's just.."
He sighed.
"Just that you're gonna spend a lot of time with my family. I don't want you to feel tired of them or that they'll piss you off and you'll want to go home early."

"Umm.. When did I ever act like that?" You asked, with one of your hands up.

He gasped, "what?!"
then laughed loudly.

"Ok, ok,"
you admitted while he laughed,
"I did it once.. Maybe twice."
His laughter was too contagious and you started laughing too.

"Once or twice?!"
He was loud and looked very amused with what you were saying. "You can't be serious! This is the story you're sticking to?"

"Aha." You folded you hands and smiled.

"Well, good luck with that."
He chuckled.

"No, but in all seriousness. I'm not gonna get tired of them. I mean, I love them."

"It's not about wether you love them or not.." He explained but you cut him off.

"I know, Justin. But I'm mostly there because of you, to spend time with you," you put one hand on his back, and leaned in.
"and I think it's established that I don't get tired of you."
You smiled at your concerned looking boyfriend.

"Ok," you kissed him on the cheek. "I'll trust you on that."

"Kiss me already, bitch, how long do I have to wait for?"
He chuckled, held my chin and kissed me softly.
"Them lips, baby," he whispered.
"Jesus, the things a girl's gotta do for a kiss around here.." I said jokingly.
"Gimme another one." He mumbled and of course I gave him another kiss, when Justin Bieber asks for a kiss you hand it over, ok?

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