A Tale of Wonder

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To quote a once great man “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times”. There is only one problem with Dickens’ line though. How do you know when you’ve hit rock bottom versus being at the height of a glorious moment? What is mediocre for one person may be astounding for another! I don’t know about you, but I would hope that the character in A Tale of Two Cities was more of an optimistic extremist than a pacifist or mediocre man…


Give hope to new downtrodden and all that.


Now I on the other hand…Well, I, Ladies and Gents, am an extreme cynic. What this entails? Quite simple…You do not want me being the one laying claim to the line “it was the worst of times.” We cynics have a bad reputation. Cynical does not go over well with a populace that believes in seeing life through Rose tinted glasses no matter how unrealistic the visionary effect might be.  


People call us pessimist and the bringer of Doom and Gloom. I like to think we are realistic and we are just trying to forewarn those few who have the common sense to listen.


I’m sure a bloke or two went around at some point warning of the impending disaster that could become World War 2. Face it, an army that large did not wreck the carnage it did by being tiny and inconspicuous. Had people listened to the cynics laying claim to the fact that if something wasn’t done we could kiss our asses goodbye, well…WWII might have had a fairly different ending!


What is the point of all this? Well it is a dragged out way of saying “I told you so!” Face it, no one likes a braggart!


I sit here now on this old crate and puff away on this one blissful cigarette I happened to come across in the carnage of Old Man Parson’s cottage, may he rest in peace the poor dead old bugger, and ramble on telling you all “I told you so.”


Now, had someone bothered to listen to me ages ago, London and the rest of the world might still be left standing instead of crumbling to pieces. Magick indeed! We of the old ways told everyone to leave well enough alone. No one listened, again, and now there’s an inter-dimensional rift (or portal if you will) the size of North Cumbria blown into the atmosphere right above London Square leaking out hundreds of denizens by the hour.


Well now if that just bites the bullet! My ancestors would be ashamed. My name is Harman and if you will, I’ll tale you the tale of how our World as we knew it, ended. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2011 ⏰

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