The Whole Story...

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Fallen leaves crunched beneath my tired feet.The piercing sound of a girl's scream stopped me in my tracks. My feet were bloody and dirty, somewhere I had lost my shoes. My feet ached from running. I could feel every leaf, stick and rock. The screaming started again. I covered my ears and ran towards it. Part of me wanted to stop so badly but another part of me said I had to keep going, that I had to help the girl. My vision was becoming blurred. My heart was ready to explode. I slowed to a walk, I had to catch my breath before I passed out. Another scream came from ahead. It was remarkably louder, I knew I was getting closer. All of a sudden I could smell something rotting.. It started to burn my eyes.Then the girl screamed again. I let out a shriek. Something caught my foot. My knees buckled and I fell flat on my face. Blood dripped from my nose. I reached my hand up trying to gather leaves to absorb the blood. I brought the leaves towards my face but I hit something. I looked up and started to dig for what it was. It was a blood covered arm. I panicked. I jumped to my feet but something had my foot, it was a hand, I screamed. I kicked till it let go. I backed away panicking. The girl screamed again. I turned around, there was nothing there. Another short scream came from my left. I quickly looked, there was only trees. I walked to the base of a tree and leaned on it to try and catch a break. I felt something warm drip on my head. I looked up. A girl, nailed to the tree. Her head was hanging by only by a piece of skin. I let another scream go. What was happening? Why was there a girl in the tree and why were there half dead people buried under the leaves? I walked around the tree, nothing. I looked back up to the girl. What happened to her? I walked around the tree again. When I came back around there was an old cabin. I didn't see it before. Another scream sounded. Only this time it sounded like a man. It seemed to be coming from the creepy cabin. Without thinking I crept up to the door. The old , grey boards of porch creaked. I tried to peek in the window but the curtains blocked my vision. Slowly I turned the doorknob and walked in. Everything was dust covered. Obviously hadn't been used in a long time. Another scream. I checked out all the rooms, nothing. I examined the living area closer. Something didn't seem right. I walked over to the bookcase there were places missing books. Books were clean, no dust. I looked closer at the books. They were all about Devil Worshiping. Quickly I pulled all the books off the shelf. I felt for some sort of secret button to open the book case. Nothing. I slowly backed away to try and see one. All of a sudden there was a big creak and the bookshelf moved. Well that doesn't happen in movies. I pushed the bookshelf as far away from the wall as I could. I turned on the flashlight on my phone and went to check it out. It was a long hallway made of grey concrete, no doors no windows. Another faint scream came. I sped up to a jog. Then I came to a dead end. Why would there be a hallway if it led to a dead end? I quickly felt the wall for another secret button. A slab of cement shifted. Bingo! The grey cement walls changed to white, almost hospital like. There were three red doors all with the number six on them. I walked to the first door and felt it. It was hot, I started to sweat. I walked over to the second door. There was a deep screeching. Nope. No way, I was not trying that. I walked to the third door. There was no noise and it was cool. Sweet. I decided to try it. I slowly twisted the knob. I walked in hoping to find ice cream or something. happy but what I saw almost made me gag. It was people. Humans. Dozens of them. Strung up like animals. Skinned.The walls and floors were covered in blood. And all the missing books from the bookcase were spread across the room. What the actual heck.

"Help me" Someone cried.

I looked around. There was someone on the floor, part of their body was skinned. I ran over to them.

"Oh my god what is going on?" I asked terrified.

"Get out of here. He's coming back. He'll kill you to,"

"No. Who is he? Why is he doing this?" I asked.

"He's a fallen angel and we are his sacrifices,"

The person laid, dead. I started to panic. I didn't know what to do. Quickly I dug out my phone and opened the camera. I quickly took pictures of every thing I could and ran towards the door. A deep shriek came from the middle room and I booked it towards the hallway. The opening was gone. I was trapped. I started to feel along the wall for a way to open the door. Nothing. There was no way out. All of a sudden an object appeared. It was him. He stood in front of the second door. He was only wearing a pair of dark jeans. He looked to be in his teens. His eyes and hair were black and his body was burned and scarred.

"You made a very big mistake coming here," He spoke.

"Why are you doing this, what did these people ever do to you?" I screamed.

"They all worship God," He spoke. His voice was deep and powerful.

"What does that matter?" I asked.

"You see I was once a human just like you. I went to church every Sunday. Always played by the rules. When I was only eighteen I fell through the ice while playing hockey. Nothing to horrific but I died. Because I went to church and worshiped god I went to heaven. I was an angel, it was amazing. But because I died in such a silly way I was harassed. You wouldn't think angels would bully other angels, or anyone for that matter but they did. After a while I started to fight back. But the big man didn't really like that to much. He threatened to take my wings away if I didn't stop but what he didn't understand was that it was his angels that started it not me. Of course I didn't stop. So my wings were taken away. They were literally ripped off my body and I was pushed, if you will, right out of heaven down to hell. There I was given two choices. I could burn or I could take more victims and live. Well not really live because technically I was dead already but you see what I'm getting at. At first I said there was no way I was going to slaughter people. So I was sentenced to burn. Lucky for me I was given a second chance. I chose to do as fate had intended. Here I am,"

"I know this is a silly question to ask when you're about to skin me alive but can I see where your wings were?" I asked curiously.

He turned around. There were two big black scars that ran the length of his back.

"Wow. They must have been beautiful," I whispered. "So let me guess. I've met my maker and you're about to show me my fate," I sighed.

"What? Oh no. I mean yes you've met your maker but I will not choose your fate. You choose it for yourself. You get three options. Door one,burn. Door two,be like me. Or door three, skinned alive. You only get one shot at this so choose wisely," he spoke.

"Can't you let me go?" I pleaded. "I'm only sixteen. I have family, friends. I don't even go to church,"

"No one can escape. Now choose before I do and I promise you you will not like my choice,"

My mind raced. It was either skinned alive, be like him or burn. Burning might be the quickest. Although if I chose to be like him I could live. My thoughts were cut off when he spoke.

"You have five seconds,"

My heart sped up. My head spun. I couldn't think.

"Three. Two. One. Time's up," He smiled, his teeth were filed into fangs.

He lunged towards me. I screamed. Blood sprayed everywhere. And I, was, dead. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2015 ⏰

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