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"Welcome to 8th grade students I'm your new science teacher Mr.Cooley we will have a fantastic school year."
Well the first day of school sucked. I said to Kaneya as we were heading to the buses. The first day of school was over finally. Its not that I didn't like school its just I didn't like the fake people that came with it.
As I got on the school bus I saw the usual Damaris, Julius, and Jamya.
Wassup? I asked my only "bus friends".
"Nothing". Jamya and Julius replied.
Damaris just looked at me I laughed she always makes me laugh. Doesn't matter if she is talking or not. I put one ear bud in my left ear and shoved the other in Damaris's.
You're gonna take of my ear! She yelled.
Her face was hilarious I couldn't help but laugh.
My bustop was coming up and as usual I asked Julius to walk me home like I do everyday and I was declined once more. I got off the bus and my music was inturupted by my phone ringing.
"Rachel" is the contact name that came up. One of my best friends.
New phone who dis? I joked.
Girl guess what. She said.
I rolled my eyes. What beautiful?
The first day of school was so fun I missed my boyfriend and...
Oh! I cut her off annoyed she was enjoying herself and I wasn't.
What's wrong?she asked.
Nothing. I replied.
Alright well.... She continued her story about her day.
As I approached home
I told Rachel I would call her back.
As soon as I got in I was exhausted I changed into some pajama shorts and a sweater I never matched when I got home. I got a bowl of Lucky Charms and sat in my rocking chair.
I pulled out my phone and got on wattpad.
Welcome to the next 9 months of your life. I said to myself before takeing a big bite of cereal.

8th GradeWhere stories live. Discover now