Chapter 1

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Why me? I thought to myself. My mother just sold me to be a maid in a freaking werewolves house! I can't believe  her! How am I supposed to do this? My social anxiety is going to be nuts now. So I guess now would be a good time to introduce myself. My name is Evalyn Scarlett Paisley and I'm 18 years old. I have bright blue eyes, and honey brown hair. I don't know who my father is, he let before I was born so my moms the only one who raised me. I loved her until today when she told me what she did. I never fully graduated high school. I had to quit 2 weeks before graduation because of my mother. We had a bit of a money situation, she never worked anymore so I was the one who had to do everything. Cooking, cleaning,laundry, dishes, and anything else you can think of, I guess you could say I'm a modern day Cinderella. Any ways, I'm almost to this "house" if that's what you call it. I don't want to be in this stupid car at all. What if I'm abused? I can't go through that not again, not after last time...... I'm not getting on that subject though. So finally I get to this hell hole, that's what I'm calling it from now on. " Alright girl time to get out." some guy says as he opens the car door. I think about making a run for it, but decide against it once I see how many people are actually there. As I walk up to the house someone opens the door and I walk into this huge lobby type room. I swear this house is like a hotel! It even has a freaking elevator! "Who let the bitch in?" I hear someone ask. I turn my head to see who said it. I came face to face with some bleach blonde wannabe." Excuse you? I know you weren't talking to me." I say to her. " Actually, I was. If you have a problem with it I don't give a damn." She said back to me. That's when I lost it. I punched her right in the face. She quickly punched me back , only she punched me in the stomach. I cried out in pain and fell to my knees. " Wow shes a bitch and a weak link." "MERISSA IF YOU TOUCH HER AGAIN I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!!!" I hear someone yell. I turn around and see him. I don't even know his name but somehow I feel attracted towards him. He had the most amazing green eyes, and honey brown hair. " Are you ok?" he asked me. Since I couldn't answer I nodded my head. " My names Percy." He told me as he helped me to my feet again. " I'm Evalyn." I said as I took his hand. The second we touched sparks shot up my whole body. "Mate." I heard Percy say. I look around the room and everyone has there heads bowed. "Luna." What have I gotten myself into? I think to myself. I have no idea what to do and all these people are starting to scare the hell out of me.  I'm not anyone's Luna! Hell I don't even know what a Luna is. " Um what's going on?" I ask Percy. Instead of answering  me he grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs and into this little room. " Have you ever heard of Werewolves?" Percy asks me. "No!" i say a little more loudly than I should have. "Well it's time you should." He tells me. Oh great.


Yeah so that's the start! Hope you liked it! 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2015 ⏰

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