Recruiting Rebecca

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Nearly there...Nearly there...Nearly there...


Okay,okay let me catch you up...I'm Hannah and I'm a werewolf or as you might call us 'shape-shifter' or whatever name you have got for us. We are not that we are werewolves. But anyway back to me...

So I'm sixteen years old and three months ago some of my dad's pack member's were out hunting, when there was this awful...sound...(if you can call it that) that came from my Dad's lead warrior so my dad and his second took the rest of the warriors to go see what happened. Leaving my mum in charge. The pack members left behind were tense waiting for the 'its okay, false alarm' we never got it. A minute later we heard that awful sound come from the pack members who left to see what had happened - including my dad. We took of running to rescue the others, and as we were running some of us made the same sound and they fell to the ground. People who stopped to help were...shot?...too. Mum tried her best to lead the rest of us away from the ones falling but we were hurdered, surrounded and kidnapped .

I woke up twelve hours later in a cage. No idea where I was or how to get home. I cried and called out no one came, around two hours later a man in a lab coat came and shoved pills down my throat. I tried to spit them out but he held my head up and they fell down my throat. I shoved, pulled, pushed, scraped, scratched everything I could possibly think of on the lock as soon as he left to try and get out but nothing worked. I had to get out, I had to find my pack. A minute later I felt Rose howl in pain, I couldn't save her I don't know what happened but she started to whimper then nothing. She was alive I knew that I just couldn't get to her, couldn't talk to her and, she felt odd under my skin. WHAT HAD THEY DONE TO ROSE? TO ME? TO MY PACK? WHERE IS EVERYONE?

I tried telepathically contacting them but couldn't cause I needed Rose for that. I endured weeks of torture and experimentation. What were they doing to me? Who are they? And what do they want?

I started shoving the pills to the side of my mouth and then spitting them out as soon as they left, about a week later. I pretended to submit to there poor, poor leadership. Why on Earth do humans follow these people? Pack life is so much easier and straight forward. Since I had 'submitted' they started walking around with me. Granted I was in handcuffs and chains but I did learn things. Like that Marley my bestfriend was in the room next door in a similar cage to me and Stacy is in the room opposite mine again in a cage. I knew the people would have a hard time with them they only submit to their Alpha and these excuses of people are certainly not and never will be their Alpha.

The people in white coats took me to a room where others from my pack were I lit up excited to see them until I noticed how broken they all were and that there was none of the adults in here, I wonder where they are? I'm pushed into a que and fed a pile of slop that has no smell but what I think is there idea of food. I shivered at the thought and moved the tray with my 'food' on it and sat across from Rebecca she was poking her food with a fork but looked up when I sat down. I looked at here eyes and saw that her usual fun and bubbly attitude was gone: her eyes had dulled and her spirit looked broken. She must be taking the pills and is without her wolf Bex; for her to be that broken. We started talking by making letters in our slop instead of actually speaking.

I learned that everyone but Marley, Stacy and Max had submitted and I highly doubted they would soon. That the adults in the pack are nowhere to be found (people have been looking for them they just couldn't find them). I told her about my trick with the pills and that I am doing my best to work out a way out of here, she said she'd help anyway possible and I was glad. Now I just needed Joe to get on board with Marley, Stacey and Max not being avalible to help and communicate with me since they were causing trouble for the people running this place. We were each led out of there and back to our cage's in a long line, with a person on both side's of all of us.

Back in my cage I thought about the progress I made today about getting out:
-Got Becky on board with the plan.
-Helped Becky reconnect with Bex.
-Found out where Marley is.
-Found out where Stacy is.
-Found out where Becky is being kept.

Well thats good for the first day tomorrow I will get Joe on board and together the three of us will work out a way to find out where the adults are, what the people have done to us, how to fix it and how to get everyone out of here uninjured and alive. A lot of work to do and I need sleep. I squirm uncomfortable trying to get into a comfy spot I give up eventually and just fall to sleep in the most awkward position for sleeping ever...

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