Coffee Table

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It's 8:30 in the freaking morning! Why does my sister have friends over already. I swear if I had a choice I wouldn't be staying here. Okay Sean you're getting up in 3,2,2.....Now. I slowly sit up from my bed and rub my mess of a head. I sluggishly walk down stairs, past my sister and her friends. and into the kitchen . I pour me a glass of orange juice , I walk back into the living room and almost choke.

Their sitting there on my couch! Smiling and laughing, guess who it is!! Pierce The Mother-trucking Veil! "Morning Sean, you okay?" I shake my head and look at my sister, "Um, yeah I'm fine." I sit my glass on the table and look down at my feet. "Oh, this is Tony, Mike, Vic and Jaime. They moved across the street this morning." 

I shyly smile and wave at them, trying not to cry at this beautiful moment. I look over at my sister who had a wide annoying grin across her face. "Hey Kelly, do you know who they are?" I have every single poster of them in my room! "No, but they're really cute." Come on, how can you not know. "They're on my shirt right now." She looks at my shirt and then back at them. " Oh that band you always listen to all the time." I shake my head and make my way to the stairs. "Whatever, I'm gonna go get ready. Bye you guys, it was nice meeting you." I smiled and went up the stairs, slowly, my smiled disappeared.

Another day full of disappointment. I turn on the shower and wait for it to heat up. I take off my close and stare in the mirror at my gross body, bruises here and there and a couple of old cuts. "Oh Mrs.Potato head tell me, is it true that pain is beauty?" I hop in the shower and stand there for a moment. Where did these thoughts come from all of a sudden?! You always do this, you become sad for no reason even when something good happens. I wash my body a few times and get out. "So what if I'm crazy? The best people are." 

I wrap the towel around my body and walk into my room. I pull out a random outfit and put it on. I plug up my flat irons and start straightening my hair. "No, curl. Not that way, this way. Yes finally, you never do what I want you to." "Do you always talk to your hair like that?" I nearly jump out of my skin when I see Vic standing in my bathroom doorway.  "Could you like, not sneak up on me when I have something hot in my hand?

"Sorry, So where are you about to go?" He leaned against the threshold of the door "Wouldn't you like to know. I'm just kidding, I 'm going to the mall with some of my friends. I have to get a few things." I throw on my beanie and I feel something push me into the wall. I look up to see Vic hovering over me, I try to push him off but he just pins my hands above my head.

"H-Hey let go." He just smiles and bites his lip. "No can do, It's already hard for my not to attack you right now." His lips connect with my neck desperately searching for my sweet spot. He releases my hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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