It's Audition Time

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I was listening to Zero by Varsity Fanclub( when my roomate came and told me there was and important meeting  in the auditorium for the advanced hip hop dance class. I walked down the hall towards the auditorium and took a seat when i got there. Barnie, the director for all the hip hop class, got on the stage and says "Alrite so you know of Justin Bieb-," there were a bunch of screams coming from the very back, "-er and well two of his dancers got in a bad car accident and won't be able to go on his tour, so he will be coming to the school and hold auditions so if any of you are interested you can sign up outside dance studio B." I really didn't see what was so interesting about "Justin Bieber", but i wouldn't dare pass up a chance for millions of people to see me dance.

I was on my way to the sign-up sheet when little miss mandy jiroux and her two clones, nina and tina, cut rite in front of me. " Excuse you i think you better back up or should i make you?" mindy turned around a looked at me like she couldn't see me." Nina, Tina do you hear a very faint noise?" "Nope we don't hear anything?" they always talk at the same time and its really freaky." Oh come on mandy," i said sarcastically," you know the girl who beat your butt in the state wide hip hop championship three times in a row." that must've gotten her attention cuz the next thing i know she pushed me against the wall with her fist close to my face, but that doesn't mean i was afraid of her."say it one more time cassie i dare you." "why mandy what you gonna do hit me with your little manicured hands" she was about to hit me when i heard a certain angel save my life. "woah there gossip girl lets take two steps back think about what might happen if you hit her."

my best friend alyson grabbed mandy"s hand before she could hit me, mandy yanked her hand back," your lucky she was here to save cuz the next time she's not there to protect you i will be there and you won't look good when i'm done with you." she bumped my shoulder when she and the clones left. "thanks aly your the best friend a girl could ever have." " you know flattery will get u no where." we both laughed and made our way to the sign up sheet."So do you think one of us might make it?" alyson looked at me, a little afraid of signing the sheet,"well, maybe we both might make and maybe one of us but whatever happens we will support each other no matter what, deal?" "deal" and then we did this cool handshake ( watch only between 0:26-0:34).

two weeks later

"omg!!this has been the longest two weeks ever!!" alyson collapsed on my bed while i was eating sushi and made me almost drop it. "hey watch it there you almost made me drop my california roll." "sorry my bad." then we heard the p.a. system come on,"to all advanced hip hop dancers your audition times will be given to during your class, so be perpared and try your hardest." then alyson started freaking out and jumping on my bed while i was still on it, making me spill my soda."OMG!! this is gonna be so much fun" when she stopped so notice my soda spilled down my shirt."oops my bad" "oh it will be" then i chased her around the room untill she promised he would do my laundry for two weeks.

the next day

"come on! come on! come on! come on!" alyson was jumping up and down on my bed trying to get me up."alrite already i'm up" "good now hurry up and get dressed it's 11:30 and i need to eat." so i got out of bed and put on and ran to catch up to alyson and headed out towards the diner across the street. we walked in and picked a booth and sat down. we then order, alyson-a bacon cheeseburger with a pickle on the side and me-a grilled cheese with ham and bacon also with a pickle on the side, and talked about what kind music and moves we would do in our dances.

 when we finished we started to head out, but on my way out i knocked into someone."oh my gosh i'm so sorry are you ok?" when i looked up the guy i knocked into may have been wearing shades but i could kinda see his eyes(which were beautiful btw.) he smiled "yea i'm fine are you good?" "f-fine" he helped me up "so what's your name?" "cassie and you?'' "justin, i hope i didn't bruise you." "no i'm gonna be fine" we stood there for awhile smilinga at eachother when alyson came up to mw saying that her audition was gonna start soon so we headed back not knowing that justin was staring at me as i left.

as i waited for alyson to get back, i went to studio c to practice a little bit on my routine but what i didn't notice was the justin bieber(in disgiuse of course)watching me with amazement. when alyson got back from her audition she told me it disn't start on time cuz justin bieber wasn't there yet, but she still thinks she did a amazing job. it was almost 12:30 which was my time to audition so i made my way down to studio b and waited for my turn.

when they called my name i walked into the room and stood in the center. "hi my name is  scooter braun(jb's manager) and this is justin(who looked at me and smiled), one of his top dancers, adam sevani and his mom pattie, so miss cassandra jones what will you be performing for us today?" " i will be doing a dance that i came up with myself to the song eat up you by BoA (" i put the cd into the player and waited 'till the music started, then i danced like i had never did before. when i dance it fills amazing and i know that i was meant to dance. (here's the dance i did

when i was done the all clapped, asked me some questions and said that it was ok for me to leave. when i got out alyson ran up to meet me"so how do u think you did?" "honestly i think i did great" "well now all we have to wait for is who are the two dancers are" "yep but thank god it's tomorrow cuz i don't think i can stand any longer." we both laughed and headed back to our rooms.

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