A Team Of Two

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My name is April I was born on a cold and wet June night my mom and dad say I'm special because I was not the only baby she had that very same night, I'm twin yes I have an identical twin, we were born only 2minutes apart I'm older which I kind of find a privilege, but I love my sister, twins are special my mom said because "they are best friends and will never part for as long as they live". But besides looking exactly alike me and my sister Lynn have two totally different personalities.

" April wake up we are going to be late!" Lynn said practically ripping my sheets apart, "uhhhhhh" I groaned as I sat up totally annoyed, well I'm not a morning person as you can see, but Lynn is and let me tell you she's pretty quick at waking everyone else up, she's like my own personal alarm clock. " come on April hurry up and decide on what we are going the ware." she said opening up our baby blue closet me and Lynn usually ware the same clothes but different colors. So people can tell us apart I usually were colors like orange or blue and Lynn usually wares purple or pink, even when we were really little we didn't totally dress alike we wore separate colors, that we liked so not only out friends could tell us apart but also our parents.

" hummmmmm....... I don't know........... oh wait!! you know thoughs orange and purple jackets with the white under shirt, they would go great with our knew denium shorts". I said laying bolth outfits out so that Lynn could see them better. " oh yah good idea that will go great together". said Lynn as they started to change.

We walked down stairs to eat some breakfast before school, we had to pack extra lunches for dance after school which we always do on a Friday. We sat down next to my mom and started to eat when in walked my brother Drew, Drew is our 16 year old brother and he's as abnochsious as any brother, hes in 10th grade two grades a above us, and not a real charming dude he's the only one in this house that purposefully gets me and Lynn mixed up just to bother us...........brothers. " Hello Tweedledee and Tweedledum" he said as he sat down obviously trying to get on our nerves...........it worked. but we ignored him and keeped eating, " Drew please pass the ketchup" Lynn said trying not to start an argument, " oh sure no problem APRIL" he said handing her the ketchup. that's it I've had it " mom!!" I said " tell him to stop, before something bad happens to him!!!" I said giving Drew my glare. " Drew please stop calling your sister's by the wrong name I know you know which ones which" she said looking at her food, and than at Drew.

" I do?" said Drew sarcastically me and Lynn bolth gave him a glare and got up and put our plates away. " well" said Drew "I'm going to school...... by you guys" he said waving to me and Lynn as a walked out the door. " girls do you need a ride to school?" my mom said as she grabbed her purse and keys " "yah" we bolth said, sometimes we say the same thing without any knowing it gets funny at times.

" mom why can't people tell us apart?" I said as we drove to school " well you guys are identical twins its a very special thing" she said pulling up in the back of our school, " I don't get it!" said Lynn we look nothing a like!" " well only you guys would think that you guys don't see what other people see" my mom said as she wrote us bolth checks for lunch. " but mom!" I said getting annoyed " we don't there are so many differences............ for instance I'm an inch taller, and my hair is a shade darker" I said " yah and I'm more interested in boys and shopping and I have a smaller head" said Lynn giving me a grin, I just ignored her " you guys will be alright, you just have to show people each of your different personalities".

We climbed out of the car and waved good by to our mom as she drove away. " you know" I said walking towards the school " moms right, people only see us as twins the same people and not as individuals" " yah your right now that I think of it, yesterday somebody called me April and I just wanted to give him a punch in the neck." said Lynn with a slight giggle. " how about we start at dance today" I said turnning towards her " why at dance?" Lynn asked " because our dance instructed always seems to get us mixed up" I said as the bell rang " ok sure lets do it!" said Lynn as we went inside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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