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Ariana's POV

I ran through the crowded streets of L.A. Pushing through bodies by bodies, getting rude comments from some. But it never stopped me. Until, I bumped onto someone a bit taller than the others I looked up "watch where you going, dude" I said, fixing my outfit. I looked back up and the guy looked back down to me. I saw those familiar brown eyes and blonde haired boy looking back to me "Matt?" I stuttered. "Ari?" He toke my arms and lead me out of the crowd to a cafe shop. "What are you doing here?" He asked "what are YOU doing here?" I questioned him back. "I moved here" he said "I live here" I said. "Alone?" he asked "yeah. You?" I answered but questioned back again, "Yeah." he said then chuckled "why are you laughing?" I asked, rolling my eyes "It's just, It's been 7-" I cut him off "8" I said "8-Years ever since I last saw and talked to you" he said "yeah, yeah" I said "why are you rushing?" He asked "Nothing, I just wanna go back home" I admitted then my phone rang. I slid it out of my pant's pocket "hold on a sec" I said to him. "hello?" "Ariana! where are you? you ain't at your house!" "dude, calm down. I just went ou for awhile, don't worry. I'm fine" "Don't worry?! I'm your brother! why would I calm down?!" "just calm down, I'll be right there" "then hurry!" "alright, alright." I end the call and stand up, "where you goin?" Matt asked "home, Ricky's there." I said "I'll drive you" He offered "no thanks. I'll just call for a taxi" I said "c'mon!" he grabbed my arms and put me in his car "what the fuck Matt?!" I yelled "Calm down. now tell me where you live" He said and I told him my address. Oh shit, Ricky's gonna flip.

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