Chapter 1

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"Andres! Hijo! Papi has some important news for ch'ou!~" The Spaniard called out into the woods as the smaller male crawled out carefully, covered in dirt from head to toe.

"Si papi? What is it?.." The small Spaniard murmured.

"Do ch'ou remember Roma?"

"Si! Of course I remember Roma! He was my best friend when 'e was still 'ere!"

"Well... 'Ow would ch'ou feel if 'e and I got married?"

The child paused, blinking in confusion at the other. "W...hat?...."

His father had smiled at him then affectionately scruffed his hair. "Exactly what I said, Hijo. 'Ow would ch'ou feel if I married 'im?"

"Well.... It's not really my decision, papi.... I-It's really up to ch'ou..."

The taller man smiled in happiness and picked up his son, hugging him affectionately, and he fell to the grass on his back. Andres curled up on his father's chest and giggled like a child his age would. "I'm so 'appy... Papi is being nice to me... and 'e's marrying Roma..." The man held his son lovingly in his arms as the child dozed off, snuggled against his father.


A week had passed since the divorce of his parents, and poor young Andres was having a very hard time with it; Antonio was having an even worse time with it... Toni had been locked in his room a lot and Andres went into a depressive state... One day, Andres was sitting in the living room, colouring, when the elder Spaniard walked in. He was drunk. Angry drunk...

"Ch'ou know...." He grumbled. "It's ch'our damn fault that she left us..."

Andres looked up, startled by the sudden words that were aimed towards him. "W-what do ch'ou mean, papi?..."

"Exactly what I said!" He snapped, anger flashing in his emerald eyes.

The boy flinched, staring at his father with fear in his golden eyes.

"Ch'ou drove 'er away! It's because ch'ou were born that she didn't want to be 'ere anymore!! Damn it!! I 'ate ch'ou!!"

The words the man slurred were like daggers to the boy's heart. He teared up, staring at the other. "P-papi...?"

Time seemed to freeze as Antonio raised his hand and smacked his son across the face.

He stared at his father in utter shock. All that ran through their heads were;

"Did papi just...?"

"Did I just...?"

The younger Spaniard jumped up and ran out of the house.

"A-Andres!!! I'm s-sorry!! I didn't m-mean to!!" He called as he chased after the boy.


The boy peeled open his golden eyes as he heard birds singing. He was still in his father's arms, out in the field by the woods. He jumped, a bit startled that his father was asleep. "A flash-back?... I 'ate those dreams..." The boy thought as he yawned quietly.

"Awake already, Hijo?" The sleepy Spaniard asked.

He jumped in surprise to hear his father speaking. "I thought ch'ou were still sleeping, papi..."

He shook his head and held his son close, burying his face in his son's hair. "No... I 'ad a bad dream..."

"Si... Me too..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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