The Boxcar

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I was in the boxcar with 71 other people. It was crowded and hot, but I just stayed in the corner and didn't say anything. As I sat there all I heard was the screams of people either dying or going insane. We reached our first stop and I was pretty sure at least three people were dead. The stench of decaying bodies was turning my nostrils into a hell and I was going insane. We reached our second stop and I finally got a breath of fresh air and was returning to normal. We departed after a head count and the stench only got worse as the time went by. I kept trying to hold my breath so I wouldn't be able to smell it, but everyone has to breath. The screams didn't help me think clearly and all I could think about was what awaited us. The thoughts only got worse as I continued. I thought about the experiments that were coming. What would they inject in me? What would I become? How would I survive? During the trip I thought of killing myself to end the screams and the thoughts. I couldn't think of anything good because only death was in my future. No more fun. No more laughing. My life ended the moment I was put on this godforsaken train. I wished I could go back and just change who I was so that this didn't happen to me. I wish I could just take it all back. We finally arrived at the final stop. They counted us to make sure it was the same amount from the start. I saw seven bodies taken off the boxcar. The source was finally gone, but what it did still remained. The screaming went down, but the coughing got louder and louder. I started to fall asleep... at least I thought it was sleep.

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