Impending Danger

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Chapter 1

Impending Danger

A magical archive stood, pulsing with energy--filled with the knowledge of the gods.

The Goldstorm Archive.

The Lost Knowledge.

In a great and bloody battle between two brothers that wiped out the kingdoms of Ethav and Etreith, the Goldstorm Archive was lost.

Can the Archive be found in time?


King Alexander Ryall, Stowerling Palace, Winterhold

King Alexander Ryall stroked his beard, lost in thought. His brown almond-shaped eyes looked as if they were lost in another world. Atop his cropped light brown hair stood a majestic golden crown, with purple velvet lining the inside. Two sapphires studded two of the three prongs protruding from the crown, and the center one bore a beautiful bloodred ruby.

He sat on his throne, which for the most part was simple. It was made of steel with red velvet lining, cushioning the seat. It may not be majestic like his crown, but it radiated an aura of authority around the king nonetheless.

A young squire ran up to Alexander. "Sir Pratt has told me to deliver this message to you, my Lord. A man gave it to him and disappeared." The boy handed a thin envelope to him.

King Alexander Ryall of Rhylath, it read. Alexander recognized the handwriting and he felt his black silken trousers get pulled taut as every muscle in his body tensed.

If you do not back down and surrender your kingdom to me, I will move my troops in and take it by force. You know I have the numerical advantage. You have three months to do as I say, lest I come in and remove it from your sorry hands.

It's your fault you're in this position, Alexander. You have spent too much searching the ruins of Etreith and Ethav for the Archive, and the time has come for you to pay.

-King Ellen Trydus of Trysting.

Alexander sighed, wondering what he was going to do for his people. They were already struggling economically. Somebody had decided to make fake silver imperii, making their value drop drastically. Though as far as he knew, it was only in Winterhold and it hadn't spread to the other provinces.

What am I going to do? I've spread my forces too thin searching for the Archive. I didn't think of how much I was risking, searching for it--Oh, Elenore, what do I do. . . he thought worriedly, twiddling with a golden ring that had a simple small diamond on it on his left ring finger; his late wife's wedding ring.What am I going to do. . .

Prince Edmond Ryall, Stowerling Palace, Winterhold

The brown-haired nervous prince paced the floors of his bedroom, his pearl white cloak billowing behind him. His icy blue almond-shaped eyes did not show that of a confident prince, but that of a sixteen year old boy that was struggling to stay calm. The fact that his steel blade's scabbard kept clicking against his ankle and his tight red coat's golden tassels were flipping around along with those attached to the shoulders of his cloak were not helping his anxiety.

Today he was to be knighted by King Alexander, having served as his squire for many years.

Edmond straightened the silver crown inlaid with sapphires that was perched atop his head. Often enough, people did not look at his serious, rounded face or his chiseled jaw, but his crown or cloak, for they were the marks of the Crown Prince of Rhylath.

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