Unbroken (JB fan fic)

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{Intro: my name is Quinn and I am 17. I have a boyfriend I have been with for a year. His name is Josh. He is abusive because he doesn't want to let me go. I can't stand being with Someone like him. I just want my life to end.}

I wipe my arm as the blood drips down. It was the first time I did it. I always said I would never do such a thing, ....but I did. It made me feel regretful and awful afterwards. I thought it would relieve my stress and take all the pain away, but it didnt. I took the raiser and threw it in the trash can and ran into the hallway to get a facecloth out of the closet before the blood dripped all over the white carpet. You took one and ran into the bathroom. You wet the cloth and move the prickly piece of fabric down your arm. It hurt so bad. It wouldn't stop bleeding. I started to cry thinking of the reasons I should have done it, and those that I shouldn't. I thought I had the worst life. I didn't think anything could make it change...... Until July 23, 2013. Josh asked me to go with him to the carnival. If I said no, I don't even know what would have happened. I begged my best friend Emily to come and double date. She is the only one I told about how abusive josh is. She can't do anything about it because she knows it can hurt me and also her. She agreed to tag along. I drove over to her house and I got ready there. I threw on a pair of high-waisted jean shorts with studs all over the back pockets. I walked into Emily's room and took a baby blue crop top out of her bottom drawer.

I took off my baggy tee and threw on the top. "Quinn, can you help me?," yelled Emily from the next room over. I walked in and she stood there holding a curling iron. She frowned and looked at the ground. She started to smirk and started laughing, "can you please help me baby girl? I can't do the back.," she said as she laughed and looked at the curler held in her hand. I smiled and started to curl her hair. When I was finished, she did mine. When I was little, Emily and I would grab all the make up supplies my mom had in her room, and give each other make overs. I loved my mom more than anything. She died when I was 7, she was a bad drunk and she drove off the road and hit a tree....It was the most miserable year of my life. My dad is a drug addict, a smoker and also a bad drunk. I live with my dad, but he doesn't do much. We barely have a home. We just got new carpets thinking it would make the house look better, but it just didn't work. It was useless... I usually stayed at Emily's, but not always. Well once we were all ready to go, I grabbed my bag and we left. I got in her red Cadillac and we drove off. Josh was suppose to meet us at the tilt a wirl at 8:00 p.m, but he never showed. It got later and later with no sign of him. Finally he got there but it was around 9:30. "Where were you? You said to meet me at 8.," you asked. Everyone started to stare. "Are you f*cking kidding me?!?! You can't f*ucking talk to me like that! You better respect me!!!," he said as his voice got deeper but lower at the same time. He grabbed my shirt near the neck and twisted it in his hands. He then clenched onto it and pulled you close. I was so scared! Then from the corner of my eye, I see someone coming up to us as he started screaming at josh to let me go.

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