My 5 husbands

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Dark in the streets of London as I was rushing back home from work, too desperate to reach home . I was just speeding towards my house without even looking around if anyone was walking besides me or not. I walk with my fullest speed dodging everything that came my way.

Not noticing the 1D vanity going for some fresh air I just dash into the vanity! I was a bit hurt and unconscious by then.

The boys come out rushing to see what happened. They found me hurt lying on the ground .

Kind hearted Liam picked me up in his arms and took me inside the van. He laid me on the bed and sprinkled some water on my face. I opened my eyes with a jerk and found ALL THE BOYS LOOKING DOWN STRAIGHT IN MY EYES...!!!!

I was a directioner since the boys started their career and had a dream to always meet them. This incident was strong enough to shake me up..!!!

I wanted to scream but I have my voice chocked up. Suddenly I hear Niall whispering to Harry ..

Niall - "Isn't she cute..???"

Harry - "yeah she is ... Don't look at her like that Niall she would find it awkward"

Niall - "oh fine!"

I was too beautiful that all the boys were almost in love with me. I was now in senses and I thanked Liam for all his help. I said the boys that I was a BIG fan of theirs! Listening to this the boys had a good smile on their faces !

I asked them for an autograph and a picture! They agreed readily. I didn't want to go home anymore and wanted to be with the boys for some more time ... But the boys also had their life so I decided to leave. But the boys held me back saying to wait for some more time... i was in a dilemma ...

The boys finally thought of something and they all gave their personal PHONE NUMBERS TO ME..! I was now with my eyes almost popping out! They also asked for my number and ofcourse i gave it to them....

I asked them the reason to give their numbers ?

They all answered in unison - " U stole our hearts !" I couldn"t stop blushing hard at that moment !

I turned to leave when the boys offered to drop me home! I had my dream fulfilled !

I was dropped home by them. Still in the dreams of the boys I was dancing around the house like a butterfly!

My mom forced me to sleep because she thought me almost DRUNK!

Finally being tired I slept ,...


I heard my phone ring ...

"tring tring!! Tring tring !!"

I woke up in a hurry and got the phone .

It was a private number calling, I received the call and heard a familiar voice wishing me "GOOD MORNING!" I wished back . Then the person asked me ,

Person - " recognized me babes?"

Me - "Ummm.. I've heard you .... !"

Suddenly realizing that the voice was just like Niall's I screamed out loud !!

Me - " oh Niall !!!!! Is that you?"

Person ( Niall ) - "yeah baby you caught me right !"

I was so astonished that Niall was calling me just to wish me morning! I barely spoke and was just listening to what Niall spoke !

This had now become a daily routine ! Niall called me everyday and talked for long hours !

Niall had soon become fond of me. He couldn't stay even one day without talking to me or skyping me. I also loved to talk to him day and night.

We started hanging out together. Nandos was obviously our favorite place to meet!

Niall had my heart ....

My 5 husbandsWhere stories live. Discover now