Chapter 1

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February 28th 2015
Ariana and I have been the best friends since we were kids. We've always been there for each other, ya know. She's one of the very minimal amount of friends who stuck by me through my, um, hard times. Yeah, that's it.
Anyways, I haven't seen Ariana in 9 months. Damn. I know right. We've been trying to see each other through our schedules, but no luck until now. She's been performing at her very first world tour and I've been preparing my comeback album. The only way I know how to catch up with Ariana's life is through the media. Worst way, I know, but we know not to believe all the bullshit.

📱 Justin's Phone 📱
Ari 💞: Aye, I'm landing in a bit, don't be late. I don't wanna have to take the damn taxi again cause your dumbass forgot 😂😂😂

Me: I won't cutie. do you really think any less of me? :(

Ari 💞: I waited in the most uncomfortable chair for almost 6 hours and u got me and my mothers entire body showered in sweat from the humid weather in Florida. You tell me 👀

Me: Well shit. Won't happen again sir. 😂

Ari 💞: better not. Gotta turn off my phone. Captains orders. Sorry chief. 😏

Me: no problemo. See you in a bit cutie 😘

God I love our conversations. She always finds a way to make my day better. I called up Fred.
"Hey man, mind coming by to pick me up?" I ask.
"No problem Justin, be there in 15." He replies. I slip into a semi-formal outfit. A button up white shirt and my ripped jeans paired with black leathered boots. I made sure to bring a hoodie in case I had to use it for blocking my face. I comb back my hair and make sure I'm completely groomed and tethered from head to toe. Once I did a breath check, I headed out with a 'welcome-back gift' for Ariana.
You'll know what it is when she opens it. I walk down to the lobby when my phone vibrates.

📱  Justin's Phone 📱
Freddo 🚘✈️: I'm here J. Hey, and be careful with the paparazzi outside. They're waiting on each side of the entrance

Me: crap. Never mind. Bring it round back. I'll meet you there.

Freddo 🚘✈️: 👍🏻

I ask one of the female employees to take me through the back exit.
"O-oh yes o-of course Ju-stin Bieb-er" she gulps down hard and signals for me to follow her.
"Okay, um, follow me." We begin jogging to the back.
I cross my fingers hoping we get there before the paparazzi realize the black SUV that is taking Justin Bieber is gone. She leads me through a number of doors. When I finally see the exit sign, she opens the door for me.
"Thank you love, I really appreciate it."
I winked at her. I hand her a tiny tip of $100 and i run to the truck that's already waiting around the back, with the gift I have swinging behind me.
I enter the back seat.
"Damn Freddo, you are a boss." We laugh and shake hands.
"Where to J?" He asks looking at me through his rearview mirror.
"LAX. We're Picking up Ari"  I look down and smile. I wonder if she's changed at all. Pictures and face to face make a hell of a difference.
We drive out from the back of the hotel and notice all the paparazzi turning around, feeling stupid. The desperate ones run towards the truck. I felt a bit bad so I pull down the window and stick it my arm giving them the peace sign. Hey, at least they got something.
"Ahh. The lovely Ari. Your 'best friend'?" Fred says winking.
"Why do you say it like that?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows, but then smirking, after finally understanding what he meant.
"No Fred, we're just.. We're just friends" I look down, reviewing my words. He frowns.
"You don't sound too happy about that" he asks.
"I don't know Fred, it's just that... Well... I've always loved her. but i might just happen to love her as more than friends. Everything I'm doing, and all of who I am, is because of her. She's literally the only one who knew the real me, when I wasn't acting like me, and the only one who stood up for me. You know?" I hold my lips between my teeth looking down.
"Well son, I'm in a happy relationship with my best friend. If I were you, I would let the pieces fall where they may. You'll know sooner or later" he says. I smile up at him.
"So are you ready?" He continues, as we pull up to the LAX pick up zone.
"More than ready man" my heart begins to beat faster.
"Alright Biebs, we're here, " he puts the truck in parking and looks back at me intensely
"..go get her tiger".
I begin to laugh
"Will do sir" I salut to him sarcastically as I walk out of the truck. I try to avoid attention. But putting on my hoodie and walking slowly. I go to the gate I'm supposed meet Ariana at and look around. She should be here by now, when she called me she was ab-
I'd recognize that voice anywhere. I follow the voice to Ariana Grande standing there yards away, big smile planted on her face. My worried expression turns into an automatic hysterical smile at the sight of her. She lets go of her luggages and runs at me. I welcome her into my arms, wrapping my hands around her waist. I feel the impact of our bodies colliding. She wraps her arms around my neck, picking up her feet. I swing her around as I mumble
"Hey Ariana..."
I set her down gently and we let go of the hug. but I don't let go of her waist, and she hangs onto my shoulders. We stare at each other with idiotic smiles planted on our faces. my heart begins to beat fast. I am completely incapable  of moving as I stare into her big eyes. I'm snapped out of the teams when I notice people with cameras. Damn the papz.
"Crap, Ari, we should go" i said nodding my head towards the photographers. She quickly agreed and gets her luggages. We fast walk, blocking our faces as the flashes began. I see Freds car and jog towards it leading Ariana. I snap my fingers and point to the back door when Fred saw me. He unlocked it and we both jump in followed by the luggages and slam the door. As I catch my breath I think back to the moment between Ari and I at the airport. What the hell was that? I felt my stomach fill up with butterflies...

Follow me on Instagram: @jarianacharm 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2015 ⏰

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