Chapter 1: Nephilim

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And that's how it started. I am now with Matt and enjoying the rest of my Senior year. Matt has gotten to know my mom pretty well and they seem like they are best friends. I met Matt's mom and dad and they were really nice to me, I was afraid that they wouldn't like me.

My grandma survived cancer and is doing fine. She lives closer to my mom and I so that we can take care of her. Although she doesn't like the idea, being the tough cookie that she is.

It is currently spring break and I have plans to go with Matt down to the lake, have a picnic, and go fishing. I ran downstairs to ask my mom's boyfriend, Dave, to explain to me some parts on a fishing rod because I had never been fishing before and I didn't want to look like an idiot. As he was showing me this I got a really bad headache, my head was throbbing but, I wasn't going to let this stop my good day with Matt.

Matt picked me up around 1 o'clock and we drove to the lake. When we got there we set up everything, the blankets, the food, and we got the fishing supplies ready. I had to sit down after we did this because my head was just bothering me. Matt looked at me concerned and asked me if I was okay.

"Yeah, I just have a really bad headache, but it's fine," I replied.

"We can go back and do this another day if you want to?"

"No no no, it's fine I'll be okay, I don't want to ruin this day," I said.

"Okay," he said and smiles.

We were sitting there and enjoying the sight of the lake. It was a perfect day out and the sun was shimmering on the lake. It was almost 100 degrees out. There was a slight breeze, the kind that feels really good on your skin, not the hard blowing wind that made your hair go crazy.

"I'm going to go set up the fishing stuff I'll be right back," Matt said.

"Okay." I smiled.

As he was setting the stuff up, a hispanic family set up their picnic besides ours but not to close. They were speaking to each other and somehow I could understand what they were saying. I've never studied Spanish before. I think I'm being paranoid. I went up to them just to say hello and tell them to have a good day when I realized that when I was saying this I was speaking fluent spanish. The words rolled off my tongue like I knew what I was saying. It was a new feeling in my mouth and it made me feel good but, I was really freaked out.

I think there is seriously something going on with me. I was freaked out and I didn't know what to do or whether I should tell Matt or not. I didn't want him to think I was crazy. I watched as Matt was setting up the fishing supplies and I watched how his muscles tensed when he was pulling on the fishing line to make it tight. And I wondered how does he like me? Why is he so nervous around me sometimes? And what does he possibly see in me? I don't understand.

When he came back over he looked at me concerned and said, "Are you okay? You seem a little spooked."

"Yeah, I'm fine, I guess, I'm just nervous about fishing. I'm not that patient and good at it," I lied.

"Oh, it's easy, just hold on to the fishing pole like this." he showed as he put his hands on the fishing pole gripping it tightly to keep it sturdy, then he had me do it, "All you have to do is hold it sturdy and when you feel a tug or pull on it start winding the line up to pull the fish in."

"Okay, thank you." I said shyly.

We began to fish, and within the hour Matt caught the first fish and showed it to me. It was pretty big. I smiled, glad that he caught one but, I was still waiting for my turn. As I waited for what seemed like an eternity I felt a tug, slightly pulling my rod towards the water. I began to reel in the fish, tugging and pulling, tugging and pulling. It was starting to get harder and harder to keep my grip on the fishing pole and reel in the fish. Max came over to help me and he began pulling on it to and finally we got the fish out of the water.

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