No peace

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*Maddie's POV*
I'm shaking.
We enter the gigant bungalows.
There are 2 big bedrooms with princess-y beds and tons of pillows,big windows looking at litteraly the sky,two bathrooms and a kitchen.
It's baisically like a flat.
"Ok guys!I haven't seen you in a while." - Brooke says and hugs all of us.I'm really glad she is here.
"Who wants to sleep with me in this room?"-Jojo asks pointing at the other room.
"No one."-I say jokingly and then quickly add-"Just kidding I can sleep there."
And we hug.I can't stand the thought,the thought of losing someone in this room.
What if I lose Brooke,Kendall,Mackenzie,Jojo,Nia or Kalani.Or Paigie.I can't I actually wish this room and Kendall could win,but then we would lose Nia and Kalani.I start crying while Jojo and Mackenzie tries to confort me.
Brooke comes crying and hugs me.
"Maddie,when I lose and they take me away,please know that I love all of you so much.And take care.I want to see you guys win.And PLEASE take care of Paigie."
And we all go to bed.
I can't sleep.I just cry in my pillow quietly.Jojo comes by,she must've heard me.
"Maddie..they are not taking you anywhere."
"But IF they DON'T take me,they will take you,or Kendall,or Nia,or Brooke,or Mackenzie or Kalani!"
"I love you,Maddie.You have been my best friend."-Jojo eyes start to tear.She goes back to bed and I somehow fall asleep.
*Kelly's POV*
"BROOKE!PAIGIE!!"-I scream on top of my lungs.They are covered with blood.
Then I wake up,with Melissa staring at me,with a scared look.
"Are you okay Kelly?"-she asks.
"I'm sorry that I woke you up.Yes I'm fine."
Melissa goes back to her bed.
I can't fall asleep,I have a feeling that something will happen.
Little did we know..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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