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I groaned and banged my head on the table,this is giving me a fucking migraine.

"What do you want Peter?" I asked as I kept my face on the table.I listened to the sound of his footsteps approaching me.He leaned down right by my ear and whispered in a husky tone,"You,I want you Stiles."

I picked my face up off the table and turned my face to him,his blue eyes held multiple emotions.The strongest three being lust,longing,and love?He cupped my cheek and brought our lips together in a gentle kiss.He moved his lips against mine my mind went blank as his soft lips moved against mine.

I stayed still for a minute before I slowly began to move my lips against his.I gently cupped his cheek and he smiled into the kiss and he lifted me from my chair and set me on top of the table.His hand moved to cradle the back of my head and the other stayed wrapped around my waist.

He licked my bottom lip,a sign that he wanted entrance which I granted him,our tongues fought for dominance.He won and explored every corner of my mouth,I let out a soft moan and he continued to explore my mouth.He broke off the kiss for us to breath we were both panting.

His blue orbs seemed like they were looking into my soul,I fidgeted under his intense gaze.He chuckled and we stared into each other's eyes for a minute before he broke the silence.

"So....do you want to continue or...." He trailed off and it just dawned on me that I kissed well made out with Peter.My head feels like a jumbled mess and I can't put a decent thought together.So I relied on my natural fight or flight senses,I went with flight.I kicked him in the balls as hard as I could and jumped off the table.

I sprinted out of my front door and jumped into my jeep,I started the engine and speed out of my driveway. I drove as fast as possible,probably breaking multiple traffic laws in the process.I soon arrived at Scott's house and got out of my jeep before running to his front door and banging on it.

The door opened to reveal Scott with bedhead and shirtless in only a pair of sweats.I went behind my best friend and grabbed his shoulders,using him as a human shield.I hid my face in his back,"What the Hell Stiles?" Scott asked.

"Shh Scott,just shut and lock the door behind us." I instructed him he looked confused but nodded and did what I told him.I let out a sigh of relief and he turned to me,"Okay so would you mind explaining why the fuck you're at my house in the middle of the night." Scott demanded.

"Well its a long story." I told him,hoping that he'd drop it.He gave me a 'Bitch are you shitting me?' look and I sighed.Right as I was about to explain to him the whole story his front door was pounded on and the sound of Peter's angry yells filled the house.

I flinched and moved back behind Scott,"Stiles!" Scott groaned sounding irritated.I braced myself for a long rant"Why do you have to always make supernatural beings angry at you?" He began,"I can't save you in the middle of the night every night,I need sleep bro." Scott complained.

The pounding stopped for a minute before there was a loud 'bang!' and the door fell off its hinges.There stood an extremely pissed off Peter,his claws and teeth were out while his eyes glowed red.I shrunk into Scott's back as he growled loudly,

"Stiles get your ass over here!" Peter demanded but I stayed behind Scott.I may be dumb but not dumb enough to go near an angry alpha wolf.Scott growled at Peter and I let my mind wander to different scenarios for how this could end.What I didn't expect was for Peter to throw Scott into a wall.

Scott groaned and slumped down against the wall,his temple was bleeding slightly from hitting the wall.I looked at Peter who stepped forward and grabbed my wrist in a tight grip and dragged me out Scott's front door.His claws were digging into my skin hard enough to draw blood,I don't understand!

I don't understand what he wants from me,does he want someone to mess with?

Does he want to use me as a punching bag?

What does he even want?

What does it mean that he wants me?

I groaned in pain when he dug his claws in deeper,was it on purpose?I don't even know anymore I guess not because he turned to face me when he heard my groan of pain.He gently well as gently as he could pulled his claws out and soon his claws and teeth retracted and his eyes went back to normal.

He pulled off his shirt and ripped off a piece off the bottom half,he tied the fabric around the place where his claws were.It looked like he was having a war with himself in his head.



I glanced at Stiles who was passed out in the passenger seat of his own jeep,I looked away.

The memory of his teary eyes and his scared expression is fresh in my mind as I drove back to his house.I wanted to take him back to my apartment but I'm scared to hurt him again.I drove slowly and glanced at him every minute or so.His peaceful expression stayed as well as his even breathing and heartbeat as he slept.

I really don't want to leave him but he has school on Monday and I don't want to take the little sleep he has.I pulled into his driveway and looked at my sleeping mate,yes Stiles Stilinski,the fragile skinny pale weak sarcastic Stiles is my mate.

And I love every single thing about him from his sarcastic remarks to his perfect smile to the moles on his neck.I smiled softly and shut off the jeep's engine,I got out of the jeep and shut the door gently.I rounded to Stiles' side and opened the door before lifting him up bridle style.

I locked the jeep and carried him to the front door were I managed to unlock the door with his key.I shut the door,locking it behind me and carried him up the stairs.I laid him down on his bed and pulled his blanket over him.I placed a kiss on his forehead before leaving and dropping his Keyes on his desk.

Hello lovely random reader what did you think of the first chapter?I noticed that there aren't many stories for this ship on here.Well anywhore I hope you enjoyed.

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