Untitled Part 1

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Not today. Any day but today.

The stylist pulled hard at her delicate hair. She felt her wrinkles smoothen.

Today was going to be the beginning of forever with her beloved, and she wanted him to be here to witness it. She just hoped he wouldn't cause a scene. She spotted her flower girls giggling at one corner while playing with their dolls. Once upon a time, she was like them too, except she had no giggling girl playmates. She only had Pa—Pa before everything else. His favorite plot when playing with dolls seemed to always involve a certain Barbie disguising as an alien. Their story would always end with Pa (as Barbie) saying, "Take me to your leader." By that time, they were both laughing too hard already. She let out a laugh as the sweet memory came to her and felt the pins loosen from her hair. She saw the stylist purse her lips and decide to keep still. A moment later, her maid of honor came to the room with the bride's bouqet. She set it on the table and weeped hard the second later. She kissed her best friend's cheek before leaving the room, and the make-up artist rolled his eyes. Suddenly overwhelmed by the reality of what was about to happen, she directed her attention to the bouqet. Flowers. She used to hate flowers. She never forgot the embarassment she felt when the stupid flower role was given to her on the school play. All the girls were princesses, and here she was—a plant. She came home crying that day. Ma was working late, and Pa didn't know what to do. He sat her down and ran out the door. She cried even harder thinking that Pa had deserted her; soon, Pa came back holding a daisy. He explained to her how beautiful and delicate a flower was compared to a snotty princess. Pa placed the daisy on her hair and said, "What a lovely flower!". A minute later, their neighbor came to reprimand Pa for stealing a flower. Those were good times. She smiled at the thought, now extremely careful not to mangle her hair again. Her maid of honor, now calm and composed, came back into the room telling her that Ma and Pa will be on their way as soon as Pa remembers who Ma was.

Pa's condition used to be a little funny. There were days when he would almost eat out of the dog's bowl thinking it was his plate. Once he mistook Ma's pie cream for his shaving cream. He smelled like dessert that day. It started getting bad after college graduation. Pa woke up suddenly forgetting how to brush his teeth. Ma had to do it for him until he regained the skill. By the time his daughter got accepted into a big company, Pa's state was worse. She once went on a week-long business trip. She came home to Pa pointing a kitchen knife at her. Pa insisted she was burglar, and she cried when he chased her out of the house. Ma started making arrangements for Pa to see a therapist the next day; she also started searching for an apartment for her daughter. "It's for the best", Ma said. When she left, she never came back. Sure, she would call and meet with Ma once in a while, but she never dropped by home—not since three years ago. Today, home was going to see her be wed. How is he? Does he even remember me? Did therapy work for him? I hope he doesn't forget his dentures. All these thoughts came flowing in as she paced around the room. According to his therapist, Pa was doing pretty well. Each time he felt frustrated, Pa would take a short walk in the park to clear his mind. The therapist said that he would always come home with a freshly-picked daisy in his hand. She smiled at this, hoping that it meant something more than for the sake of picking flowers. The doorbell rang, and her pulse suddenly picked up. From upstairs she could hear everyone greet Ma. Was he there? She heard her mother call for her and almost tripped when she ran down the stairs. She hadn't realized she was holding her breath until Ma pulled her into a hug. She saw Pa sitting on the couch. She kneeled in front of him and placed his hands in hers. "Pa, I'm here," she said. Pa looked up and stared blankly at her; she saw no recognition in his eyes. She stood up and closed her eyes, refusing to let her emotions get the best of her.

It was time to meet the groom. She was standing behind the door, waiting for the piano's cue. Ma held her left arm, and Pa held her right. Pa kept staring at her like he wanted to say something.

"What is it?"

Pa smiled and patted her head. "What a lovely flower!"

The pianist gave the cue, and the doors opened. The crowd gasped as the bride walked down the aisle looking like a sobbing mess while happily hugging her father's arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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