1. A Female Izaya and A Female Shizuo?

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A new story
I hope you enjoy ^-^

- Maddie

(Y/N) POV's

I put on my black wig. (Ignore if you have black hair) "Are you ready to go?" I asked Rika, who was busy with her brown contacts. "Yeah." She said.

I looked at myself in the mirror. If I didn't knew it was me I wouldn't recognize myself. I looked so different with brown contacts and black wig. (Ignore if you have brown eyes or black hair)

"Okay!" Rika said. "Let's go and mess things up in Ikebukoru!" "I think we only mess things more up ." I laughed. "I mean, there are already a 'male' Izaya and Shizuo. And now a female version of both of them, with the same relationship."

Rika laughed. "Yeah, you're right, Izaya. Now go run outside, I'll follow behind you." "Okay." I said, while running through the door. "See you in a few minutes!"

How again did this all start?

- Flashback -

"Heeey, (Y/N)-chan!" Rika chirped. "What!?" I asked irritated, Rika always does that when she's bored. "I'm bored." She continued to pout.

"Go watch some anime or something." I said, still sitting upside down on the couch, while reading a 'Black Butler' manga.

"But I don't want too!" Rika stood up from the couch. "That's right, I have something for you." "What? If I have to pay for it, I don't want it." I stated.

"No, you don't have to pay for it, (Y/N)-chan. You only have to wear it, and act." Rika chuckled. "What is it? Now I'm curious." I asked, and closed my manga.

Rika walked to her closet and grabbed a box. "Here open it." I opened the box, I saw a coat with fur, a black v-neck T-shirt, black skinny jeans and black shoes.

"Why are the clothes of Izaya Ohihara in this box?" I asked confused, while holding the coat. "Silly, those are for you. And they're not from Izaya Ohihara."

"Okay, but what do I have to do with these clothes?" I closley looked at the coat. "Wow, it really looks like Izaya's coat." "Yes, and we're gonna cosplay. You as Izaya Ohirara and I as Shizuo Heiwajima." Rika explained.

"What!?" I dropped the coat back into the box. "Come on, (Y/N)-chan. It's gonna be fun." Rika pouted. "And why are you Shizou and I'm Izaya?"

"Because, I'm almost as strong a Shizou and I have blond hair, And you're just a flexible as Izaya. And I know you like to irritated me, our friends. Just like Izaya." Rika explained.

"Fine, I'll do it. And stop grinning like an Idiot, it's only for one time!" I warned Rika, who was smile like an idiot.

Somehow it became a hobby for the both of us, too cosplay like Izaya and Shizuo.

- End Flashback -

I was running down the street. It's still weird we hadn't ran in to Shizuo and/or Izaya, while cosplaying. I mean we do this already a few months.


Speak of the Devil.

This time I saw the 'real' Shizou and the 'real' Izaya, fighting each other. Then I heard Kina screaming.

"III-ZAAA-YAAAA!!!!" Both the males stopped with what they were doing and looked confused.

"Aah, Shizu-chan!~" I waved. "Nice seeing you out here, Shizu-chan.~" "Don't call me that, you flea!" Rika screamed.

Then I saw Rika grab a stop-sign. I grabbed a knife from the secret pocket in my coat.

I threw the knife at Rika, she blocked my knife with her stop-sign. Rika came running at me and trow the stop-sign at me. I dodged the sign easily.

I started running towards the 'real' Izaya and Shizuo, who were still to confused to continue their own fight.

Shizuo was holding a stop-sign, I jumped on the stop-sign, then on his head, I have some nervous to do that and on the roof of a nearby building.

"Come back here, you flea!!" Rika screamed, then she turned to Shizuo. "I'm borrowing this." Kina said and grabbed the stop-sign from Shizuo.

"Is Shizu-chan being polite? That's for the first time, in forever." I laughed. "Shut up! And come down here and meet your fate, you damn flea!" Rika screamed and then she trow the stop-sign at me, and I dodged the sign.

"Aah, don't be so mean, Shizu-chan.~" I said, then I began running in opposed direction that we came from. In the corner of my eye, I saw Izaya following me.

Just as I thought you would do, Izaya.

I was running towards the building where Izaya let people commit 'suicide', well that's what he calls it. After a few minutes running, Izaya turned left in a side street.

I think you know where I'm going. Don't you, Izaya Orihara?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When I arrived at the building, I didn't see Izaya, but I could feel him watching me from the roof. I went inside the building ant walked up the stairs, to the roof.

When I arrived at the roof, I could feel Izaya's eyes burning in my back, I pretended like I didn't know he was there.

I walked to the end of the roof, and leaned against the railing, my back towards Izaya.

"How long are you gonna stare at me, Izaya Ohihara?" I asked, still with my back towards him, and still leaning against the railing.

"Aaah, you know I was here, that's no fun.~" Izaya pouted. "But you know who I am, so it would be polite to tell me, who you are."

"I'm Izaya Ohihara. As you can see." I said, while turning around. "You're very funny, but what is your name, little girl?" Izaya asked me, who was now in front of me.

"Like I said, I'm Izaya Ohihara." I repeated. "Mmhm okay, then I'll call you neko-chan.~" Izaya tapped my nose. "Okay, whatever you want Izaya-chan." I chirped.

"How is it that I never have seen you before here in Ikebukoru, neko-chan?" Izaya asked. "I have no idea, Izaya-chan." "Tell me something about yourself, neko-chan." "No."

"Why not?" Izaya asked confused. "Because it's no fun if you know everything about every single person. Think of this, my personal life/information, as a challenge." I shrugged.

"You are an interesting one, neko-chan.~" Izaya said, while leaning towards me.

"But I have to go, neko-chan. I hope we see eachother more often." He said while walking towards the door. "A goodbye, for now, neko-chan!~"

And with that he was gone, and I was standing alone on the roof.

Weird, well I have to go to bed, because I have to work tomorrow.

And I went on my way to home.


I hope you like this new chapter.

Also feel free to leave comments about the story or to leave a request.

I own nothing, except the plot.

- Maddie ^-^

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