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- I wake up in the middle of the woods. I don't know how I got here or where I came from. I don't remember anything actually. Questions start popping in my head. Where am I? What is my name? Am I even alive? I try to get up but my stomach churns with pain. I lift my neck up and wish I hadn't looked. There are at least three gunshots in my stomach, still gushing blood. How did I get this? Who did this to me? Why am I here? I reach around me to fell the grass and dirt. Then I hit my hand against something. It feels like canvas. I grasp my hand on to it and pull it to me. It is a brown canvas bag that looks like a medical bag. I look on the bag and see a very weird symbol the looks like a hawk with red eyes and a devious smile. I soon open the bag and see the treasures this bag has given me. 3 packs of freeze dried fruit, bandages, gauze, matches, water, and a knife. I look deeper in the bag and see two more things. A whistle and some steak. Hmm. I blow the whistle and no sounds come out of it. Weird. I quickly bandage myself and stand up. There is a giant stick next to where I was laying. I pick it up and use it as a hiking stick. I start walking and walking and walking until it appears to be night. I climb a tree and tie my things to a branch. I blow the whistle one last time and still hear nothing. Besides the footsteps that get louder and louder each second.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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