Never Let me go: Dean Winchester Imagine

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Dean tore up the bunker looking for any evidence of where you could have ran off to. He left countless voicemails on your phone, begging you to just respond. Sam decided he was more stable to drive and to try to find you, Dean on the other hand, might have killed someone. He emptied out your already empty dressers, looked in your closet for the umpteenth time, still no sign of where you were. On a whim he decided to look in your bathroom, everything was clean, too clean for you. He noticed you bothered to take the trash out one last time, and he decided to go through your trash. Maybe there was a note you decided not to give, it was very unlikely, but he had nothing else to go on. He practically ran outside to where you threw out your garbage and started digging through the bags. He tore open every single bag not caring about the mess he was making. Towards the bottom of the pile he found the clue he was looking for. He was sorting through the bag when it drew his eyes, he grabbed or anxiously from the bag, and after letting it hit him what it was, he dropped it and slid down the wall outside. His hands covered his face, he wiped his eyes, and checked again. The item hadn't changed, and his heart dropped to his stomach.

------------------------------------------------ Your POV --------------------------------------------------

Your phone rang once again and you resisted the urge to answer while driving. You decided you'd listen to all the voicemails from Sam and Dean once you were seated somewhere in a hotel. You drove and drove, eventually shutting your phone off at a stoplight because you couldn't take the constant ringing. Once you were in Nebraska you finally stopped at a motel, not even bothering to check the name or what town you were in. You walked into your room, shutting and locking the door behind you. You dropped your bags next to the bed and sat down, legs hanging over the edge. You pulled out your phone and turned it on, waiting for it to light up. Your heart was racing by the time it was finally on and you could listen to voicemails and check messages

"Babe where are you? What's wrong?" was the first text from Dean, and after that he only left voicemails.
"Okay so you turned off the tracking, just please call me, whatever I did I'm sure we can talk this out." He said somewhat frantic.

"Sweetheart please, call me or Sam. We can't find you, just give us some signal so I know you're okay." There was a little more panic in his voice, the next few voicemails were very close together in time.

"I'll do whatever it takes to find you, let's just make this easier on us and call me or Sam. Please" You could hear his voice start to break on the please, and you started to get emotional.

"If it was something I did, just come home and take it out on me. Whatever it is, please come home." He said putting emphasis on the word home.

There were more missed calls between that voicemail and the last one. You tried to stop tears from forming in your eyes as you clicked play for the next one and held the phone to your ear.

You could tell he was close to or in tears for this one. "I found it okay. I found the damn pregnancy test. I can't talk to you about this, over the the phone just call me and I'll come to you wherever you are. I don't care for how long I have to drive, I'll even take a plane for Christ's sake, I just need to see you." It clicked off and you put the phone down and wiped tears from your face you didn't realize had escaped your eyes.

You considered your options, you knew Dean would eventually find you because it was Dean, and if he wanted to do something he would. You could put it off for as long as possible, or you could get it over with. You decided on the latter and picked up your phone, dialing his number.

------------------------------------------- Third Person POV -------------------------------------------

Dean sat at the table anxiously tapping his fingers on it, staring at the positive pregnancy test. He waited for Sam to come home, he hoped Sam found you and you were too busy with him and that's why you hadn't called him back. His phone buzzed and he stood up, got it out of his pocket and answered it without even looking at who it was.

"Dean?" He heard your voice ask, "Oh thank god, you're okay." He said letting out a breath. "I'm in Nebraska." "Where?" Dean asked ignoring as Sam walked into the bunker. His eyes widened seeing Dean on the phone with who had to be you. "Some motel." Dean helped you figure out exactly where you were when Sam looked on the table and saw the test. He was shocked and looked at Dean, who had his back to him. Dean hung up and turned to see Sam, "Is this why she ran?" "I think. Give me the keys." Dean demanded. "No way in hell you're driving. I'll drive you there, you'll end up getting yourself killed." "Whatever, but we're leaving right now."

----------------------------------------------- Your POV --------------------------------------------------

You just sat in the same spot on the bed the entire time. Lost in thought, until you heard panicked knocking on your door. You stood up slowly, heart racing and opened the door. Dean didn't give you minute before he pulled you into a hug, kicking the door shut behind him. You hugged him back, starting to cry. "You scared me so much baby." He mumbled, voice shaking. He eventually pulled away, keeping a hand on your back and rubbing it gently, "Let's sit and talk." Dean whispered, as you sat on the bed with him next to you. You sat in silence, not knowing where to start, hope he would say something.

"For starters, I thought you were on the pill." He tried to joke, "I stopped taking it when you were in purgatory, and then just forgot about it when you came back. It wasn't in my routine anymore." You replied. He took your hand in his much bigger one, using his thumb to rub your hand soothingly. "Why'd you run?", you dreaded having to answer this. "You've made it pretty clear you don't want kids, or a family. And I want to keep the kid." You answered, afraid to make eye contact with him. You could tell he was struggling with a response for a few minutes.

"It's not that I don't want a kid. It's that I don't want a kid in this life. I don't want them to grow up the way Sammy and I did. To have to see horrible things happen to their family. I want them to think that the worst things out there are monsters in their closet and under their bed, not the monsters that killed their dad." "So what are we gonna do?" you nervously ask. "Why don't you come home and we'll figure it out there. Sam is in the car, and I'm sure he'd like to see you too." You stood up at the same time, and he took the bags you were holding out of your hands. "You're not suppose to carry things." He said in a protective tone, as he held the door open for you, leading you to the car. Sam was leaning against it, and when he saw you he straighten up and gave you a hug so tight you couldn't breathe. "Please don't scare us like that ever again."

You sat with Dean in the back who insisted you weren't going to leave his sight as Sam took you home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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Never Let me ago, Dean Winchester ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now