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UGH! I honestly find it a natural wonder how I can be so ashamed of people the same species of me. It's SICKENING.

You are probably saying, "Eh, Starburst has gone crazy again." No I haven't! Don't pretend to yawn and use a sarcastic remark. Attitude like that is going to be you in a cardboard box on the side of a street with leaves for bushes and a bench you call your "bed".

As you all know, recent events have caused much sorrow and sadness throughout nearly every nation. I feel sorrowful for those affected in the bombing of Boston, and the pain people feel when another country's soldiers ruin their government. However, little do we know we are very close to the final collapse of the world's political order.

You are thinking, "What?" So allow me to explain. You see, all these events are going to lead up to very unfortunate things. People predict that in 2038 or 2039 the world will finally overpopulate, and we will all be scrambling for simple things that we need to survive. However, even before that, we will probably have World War III, which is going to kill off half the Earth's population anyway. But even before THAT, there will be more destruction and chaos, and maybe even the crashing of the stock market. So, you see, this all plays hand-in-hand, like when you stack dominos close to each other and whatch what happens when you just push one over.

Unfortunately, that first domino is teetering, and is about to fall.

We need to either unite together, or be ready to fend for ourselves. Hate to point it out, but while countries try to kill each other, the SMART people will be gathering resources, and be ready to prepare for the worst. This is terrible; we, as humans, are going to end up killing each other without sorrow or regret.... at all.

I'd like to warn everyone now that, although I may sound crazy, this very well could happen. I'm serious, I know I'm repeating a few things, but it would be better for countries to put aside differences now and....hmm..... prepare for OVERPOPULATION. Loss of non-renewable RECOURCES. The crash of the STOCK MARKET. Important stuff! Rather have it this way, or for all our resources to be GONE, currency to be USELESS, and for there to be so many people the government has to send everybody a cracker a day to live on.

Learn to WORK TOGETHER, people.

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