You'll Never Be Alone

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Don't let that little phrase weird you out. I don't mean it in a stalker kind of way. When I say "you'll never be alone," I mean that: all those nights you've cried yourself to sleep; the way the knife block in your kitchen suddenly looked satisfying; how you've been broken down and beaten, both verbally and physically. You've never been alone.

People all around the world face this, and we are just a few of the many. I'm not saying you and I don't matter, because we do. Just remember that the next time you ever feel alone, know that there's someone else out there dealing with the same crap you are.

These are the reasons why we take a stand. No one deserves to feel alone. You'll never be alone. The people who say otherwise are wrong. You are stronger than you believe and wise beyond your years. Step up to the plate, fellow loser. It's our time to shine.

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