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I walked outside to meet Tyler for school. He always takes me to school. I walk out and see him wearing a grey loose T-shirt and some faded light blue skinny jeans with white converse. I was wearing a white band shirt that said Black Veil Brides and black skinny jeans with dark red Vans. "You ready babe?" he asked. He kissed my cheek as usual and we got in his chevy. 

We rode to school listening to my music from my Spotify. It was a mixture of hip hop and pop and country. When we arrived at school, it seemed odd. It was a odd Monday morning. My besfriend Allison walked up to us, she had a worried expression on her face. "Are yall ok!?"She asked in a worried tone. She had bags under her eyes as if she'd been crying. She never seemed this worried.

"Yea. Why? What's wrong?" I answered right away. "Ohhhh.... You didn't hear?" I didn't hear anything about anyone at school so of course I said "No." I asked her "What is it?" but she refused to tell me. I looked round a couple of times and i noticed how i didn't see Taylor at school. She's always at school before me and Allison. She had perfect attendance so that was out of the question.

"Hey, do you see Taylor anywhere?" I asked Allison and Tyler. Allison looked around and raised her eyebrows in a worried tone and shook her head and said "No." "I'll just text her and see if she's running late or something." I said. We then started climbing the steps out of the parking lot to go to the courtyard of the school.

*15 minutes pass*

I havent gotten a reply yet. I was thinking and Allison chimes in with "No reply?" I shake my head. "She hasn't replied to any of my messages or calls since Saturday night." I replied  "Don't hold your breath on waiting" Allison says in a down voice.The bell for 1st period rings and we all flood the hallways to go to class. I walk in my 1st period class which is Coach J, she teaches health. Coach J is the girl's basketball coach. People were already whispering before the tardy bell rang. I walk over to my desk behind Parish. Parish turned around to face me and said, "I wasn't expecting you to show up after what happened Saturday." "What happened Saturday?"

She just sighed and turned around. The tardy bell finally rung and following came the morning announcements. They was unusually early this morning. The announcements called for everybody to go in the cafeteria immediately. I could hear the depressed and sad tone in our principle's voice as she called us to the cafeteria.

I walked in and seen pictures of Taylor hanging and tissues on the tables. Allison found me quickly. Me, Allison, Tyler and Parish all sat together. I was in the middle of Tyler and Allison. They handed me a tissue. Mrs. King, our principle, started talking. "Some of you know why we're in here. Others don't. So, could those of you who know, please don't tell the ones who don't. Saturday we lost one of our greatest students. Taylor Nikki Fitzgerald." I didn't beleive what i heard. I looked over at Allison with a questioning expression. She pointed forward as she was telling me to listen.

"Taylor was found dead in her room, Saturday night around 11:45" I checked my phone to check the time of the last text she sent me saying "I'm really tired, goodnight Holly. Love you." The time check was 10:57. " Taylor was found hanging from her ceiling fan. Notes were found. We don't know why she did this, the police won't tell us. They will interveiw certain students. School will let out at 12 today. I hope you all have a great day and if you need to check out, check out in the office.

I sat there in shock crying like a baby. Taylor was my bestfriend. We have been through everything. I asked Tyler to take me home. He did. Him and Allison was worried about me so they decided to stay home with me, my mom and dad were already at work since it was 9:15 and they start work at 7:45. 

I layed in bed all day crying. I cried for about 4 days straight. I did't go to school. My mom started to get really worried about me crying so much so she admitted me in a mental hostpital. I couldn't have my phone in there, Tyler visited me often when i could get visits. Allison came by every other day to keep me updated with school drama.

Comment what you think about it so far... This is my first book, so...

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