Chapter 1: A Strange Door

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Lily's P.O.V.

I and the girls were walking down the new wing of Ouran's belt High School when we came upon a door that leads to the catacombs under the school. "Megan, you're the leader. You go first." Tal-zo whispered. Megan rolled her eyes but enters without hesitation. As the door creaks open, strange emerald green and a soft yellow light shines lowly in the hall. I see Leela shiver as if we were out in the cold. I turn around to make sure I have my backpack, phone, water bottles, snacks, and portable charger in case we get lost down in the catacombs. I turn to the others and ask "Are you sure we should be doing this? We don't know if there are animals down there or water that could be up to our hips? There could be so many dangers down there." the girls look at me then each other and laugh at my worries. Megan Looks at me and quails my worries with a simple " If we're not supposed to be down there they would have put a sign and a lock on the door but they didn't. So what's the harm in going down there?"  I nod as if to say you're right. {But her words are the famous last words before anything major goes down in movies and Tv shows}  Leela pushes Megan to walk through the door, so Megan goes through.

★★★★★★★★ Le Mini Time skip★★★★★★★★★
Still Lily's P.O.V.

As Megan entered the doorway and disappeared from view going down the staircase. Tal-zo went next, I followed her, then the rest of the group followed behind me. As I walked I felt a chill run down my spine for a reason unknown to me. I felt lighter as I walked down the stairs closely followed by Shirley. The farther down we went the darker it got, so I felt in my pockets for my phone so I could use the flashlight app. As I get my phone out I can no longer hear Tal-zo or Megan walking ahead of me so I call out to them "Megan! Tal-zo!" I wait a few seconds to see if I can hear a response when I don't I tell the other girls to wait a minute so that I can turn my flashlight on. I don't hear a response from the others so I turn around and no one is behind me. With my flashlight on I look to the walls to see if there are any signs at all. What I find shocks me. There on the wall toward the end of the hall, I'm in has something written on it. When I get closer to the message it started to glow. The message read  " To all who dare to take the risk for a chance to meet who your heart desires, take care on how you go for there is no turning back. The world you seek is in front of you but you run the chance of never going to the past that you knew. You leave one life behind for another. Do you dare to continue?" I  decide to take a picture for future reference. I pay little attention to the door disappearing behind me as I continue 

Author's P.O.V.

Now the others of the group of girls come crossed a similar message to our dear Lily. But they don't pay attention to their surroundings or to the messages as they continue onward. But let me not ramble on about their lack of attention to surroundings and leave you to read on.

3rd person P.O.V.

 DJ was the last of the girls to enter so she didn't know how far ahead the others were or if they were at the bottom of the stairs. As The door closed behind the group of girls, a camera pans down the hallway to see a group of teachers rushing to stop the girls but they're too late the girls are gone. The group of girls separated and on their way to different realities without notice. Soon the other girls besides our dear Lily begin to notice that they are by themselves. The first to notice is DJ who decides not to call out to the others. The next to notice is Tal-zo who looks around cautiously to find the others and as she looks around she sees light ahead of her so she runs toward it.  Soon  Leela noticed she was alone and started to look for her friends, but she heard a mysterious crack and pop nearby and ran away from the noise (A/N Sidenote, Because why would you be a basic white person in a horror movie and call/move toward the sounds.). As Shirley realized she was no longer walking with Lily she started to panic but calmed herself down and went onward not aware that her body was changing to fit into her new surroundings. DJ, who had been the last to enter didn't pay anymind to how she was alone in a dark passageway. Megan was the only one in the group who continued to walk forward without realizing that the rest of her friends wasn't behind her.  As Lily walked on her body started to change without her noticing, the changes to her body were substantial but she had no clue. Each girl gained or lost something without notice or care as they walked unaware of where they were headed.  

★★★★ LE TIME SKIP ★★★★

The Elric Brothers had just boarded a train in central when Alphonse saw a flash of electric blue light.  Which lead to the brothers going towards where the light came from. Class 1-A saw bright emerald green almost teal-like light shine out of the USJ building from where they stood getting on the bus to head there only the teachers on U.A saw and didn't care or they didn't notice at all.

Corporal Levi and the scouts were saddling up for a trip when Shirley came to the scouts in full uniform. Eren Yeager, in titan form, was already out and about, so he didn't realize the new members till that night. 

 Megan, due to her love of horror and zombies, ends up in a post-apocalyptic version of her home universe (homeverse later in the story) so she became a zombie slayer just to service with the hope of seeing her friends again. Now sadly, DJ was turned into a zombie, but she was a new species of zombie. Looking eerily like a human, with the side effect of a never-ending craving for pizza, and rotting flesh.

Tal-zo's P.O.V

" Where the- " I began, spinning in a circle observing my surrounding area.

"Brother! Look! " Alphonse yelled nudging Edward and pointing at me. Little did I know, that I (like everyone else in the group) was fused into the world of anime and zombies. I, myself, looked as if born into it.

" What Al? " Edward replied a little annoyed. As he turned I turned around a while and that's when we realized each other. " It's just a girl Al. " " But- " Alphonse was cut off by tug to get on the train.

" She came out of nowhere Ed! " " Yeah sure, she did. " Edward replied. Alphonse didn't know what to do. 

3RD Person  P.O.V

Leela was all alone in the innermost city of wall Sheena in the Attack on Titan universe along with Shirley in the scouts killing titans with Armin and Corporal Levi. Lily passed out on the floor in the USJ ( Unforeseen Simulation Joint) of the My Hero Academia world, with a hybrid quirk. Tal-zo in the Fullmetal Alchemist world. And Megan and DJ in a post-apocalyptic version of our world. With that, all seven group members were officially fused into the world of anime and a zombie apocalypse, and all of our beloved animes and zombie movies will be changed forever.


Author's note
This is my first ANIME/ ZOMBIE MOVIE mash-up and the word count for this chapter is 552 words.

Author's Note 2021

I'm rereading this story and I have decided to change a few things and a few things add. The new word count is 1,383 words.

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