chapter (65) mistake

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important author note at the end please read.
she is by the fray .
alice pov.
it all starts with a bang in my chest , and it just takes me moments to realise that there is something wrong
not with anyone , just with my zayn , love is so complicated but comes with a very easy signs , I know when he's in danger , I know he's sad , I know when he is angry and even when he's mad .
I quickly dial his number but no one picks up , I call almost everyone but nothing .
I'm dying , I keep feeling pain physically and emotionally .
zayn my love please be okay , please be alright , please be there when I comeback , love me , kiss me , touch me .
all I could do is keep ringing and ringing on everyone and wait for someone to pick up , but time moves too slow when you wait and too fast when you just want a repeat.
suddenly niall picks up ,
"niall , niall " I panic
"please tell me that zayn is okay "
"he got shot badly" his voice breaks
I drop the phone ...
I'm walking in a dark place , I think it's a forest , everything is dark green , I'm in some kind of a suit , looks like I was in a fancy party, I keep walking until I reach a very big tree , it looks like a demon , it's the most wicked tree I have ever seen , suddenly I hear a loud bang and I'm falling to the ground , blood starts to run all over my body , I hear someone calling my name , "zayn" , "zayn, where are you " it's alice ,
"I'm here alice" , " under the big tree" I try and shout as loud as I can .
"I'm coming" she is running from far away , I can see her , she sees me and panic , she's all dressed up too , she's so beautiful to the level that I'm dying and can't ignore how beautiful she looks , she's an angel , she falls to her knees beside me , "zayn , zayn who did this to you ?, zayn , answer me ? Please keep your eyes open please " she cries
" don't leave me please , don't leave me shit " she screams
"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you licey" I can hardly speak , I'm in a great pain
"please , please" she cries and shaking her head , her tears are falling then there is this shadow behind her , it's coming closer and closer to her
I want to speak , to warn her but it's so hard "alice watch out" I manage to whisper
suddenly there is arms around her pulling her
no , no "don't take her " I whisper
"nooo" , "zaaaayn " she screams so loud and everything turns to light
, I hear low voices talking around me
"he's waking up" some voice say
"yes, he's opening his eyes" it's dad's voice, was I dreaming , it was so real, thank god alice is still safe
"zayn can you hear me " dad says
"yeah" I try to move but it hurts too much
"don't move , so quickly , your wounds didn't heal completely we have been trying to heal them for long but they are serious " el says
"can someone call alice " I say
and niall call her as soon as she picks up , niall hands me the phone
"baby , zayn " he cries
"I'm okay don't cry please "
"what happened" she asks
"I got shot nothing serious"
"niall said you are hurt badly "
"I'm not , I'm okay , talking to you, are you okay "
"as long as you're okay ,I'm okay too "
"be careful and train hard and we we'll meet soon ,love "
"I'll do anything for you , you take care , and soon I'll come home "
"I love you so much , alice James walker"
"I love you more zayn jawad malik"
when I finish I see everyone looking at me with a smile
"what never seen anyone talk to his girl before" I say and some of them smile
I really wish everyone can smile again and laugh all the time like everything used to but how can we laugh when Diana is missing
"I'll take him to his room " niall says and help me get up and we walk together to my room
" how you doin'" I ask him, while trying to lay on the bed
"I'm the one who should be asking this question" niall say
"yea " I say as I put my head on the pillow
"I'm trying to be good " he sets beside m
" do you think we are going to win this war " I say staring at the ceiling
"I'm sure "
" how can you be so sure? "
" because I'd never let diana......'s death be for nothing" his voice break at the mention of her name,
his eyes are red , he tries not cry but he faild miserably
his tear fall but he quickly wipe them
"don't hide your tears niall , you have every right to cry"
"I'll do everything to make sure every single one of them is dead "
"they will pay for everything they caused us don't worry niall"
"you have some rest , and I'll check on you later " he says and exit the room
Niall's pov
everything is still the same , the same pain ,the same darkness , the same madness, every time I kill one of them I get more mad , everytime I lose control it's harder to comeback again , everything seems so black because I no more have my light , my diana , my life , I wish I would just die so I can be with her because my life has no meaning without her .
I walk back to the lap and find noura had came , she waves to me and I give her a half broken smile
"so new information , the great seven are furious , they are preparing for the war , they still don't know that alice is gone , they say they are coming to take her then control the world and kill you all , so yeah I guess this means war " she says
"and we are ready " mum says
and she's right I'm ready too , so ready too kill every and each one of them
"okay everyone go take a rest because we don't know when we'll take rest again" dad says and everyone go to his own room but I no longer sleep in my room , or our room because when ever I'm there I just can't keep myself together
so my legs take me to the couch I sleep on , in the living room
I lie there closing my eyes , Imaging diana's blue big eyes , her brown wavey hair , her skin and lips , the way she made everything look more beautiful just with smiling , the way she always knew how to calm me down , if she was here now , she'd say "niall don't be mad baby everything is okay " she would put her little fingers in my hair and slide it to the back
then kiss my lips while looking straight to my eyes , I'd put my arms around her tiny waist , hold her as close as possible and play with the endings of her hair , tell her how much I love her .
suddenly someone knocks on my shoulders , cutting my thoughts
I open my eyes to see noura
"what" I say
"come let's go for a walk" she says
"not in the mood"
"come on you lazy ass" she pulls me up from the couch
"you don't take no for an answer" I roll my eyes
"exactly" she says
"where are we going?" I ask
"I don't know , we'll just go for a walk"
she says and we both get out of the house
"so not going to ask you how have you been because you probably will say , okay , which isn't true" she says
"okay what about we go and have a drink "
" there's a nearby nightclub" I say
" okay you walk I'll follow" she smiles
she got a great smile actually , reminds me of diana's smile
well everything reminds me of diana
we reach the club and set by the bar
"two shots " she says
"make them four" I correct her
he puts them in front of us
I take my first, noura does the same
we keep drinking and asking for more
soon enough I became so drunk
"you know we drank too much" noura says and everything seems so sparkly
"yeah I think now that diana is no more here nobody will take me home I'll just walk home" I say
"yeah dan used to take me home too when I get myself too drunk but now that they're no longer here we need to learn how to take care of ourselves " she laughs for no reason
I just look at her , "you look much like diana , except her eyes were blue"
"you too look alot like dan but his eyes were grey " she laughs "we're a mess"
she says as she looks straight into my eyes , and I'm so dizzy
"did I mention that you look extra beautiful today " I say
"no but thank you" she swings her head
"let's get out of here , it's so crowded " I say
"yeah " we both walk swinging and laughing for no exact reason
"so do you live in the seven's castle "
"no I've my own place, wanna come and see"
"yeah , sure"
"let's race " she says
" okay "
"1,2,3" she says and starts to run
and I run too , of course in a great speed
suddenly she stops
"what " I ask
"I live here"
it's a building
"which floor? " I ask
"the 5th floor "
we walk to the elevator, she press the button and the door close
we stare at each other until doors open again
"this flat" she says as she opens the door then turns the light on
"cool place" I say
"it's a bit small but it's mine" she says
" let me get us a drink" she says and goes to the kitchen
I set in the living room , the couch is quite comfortable , everything is in dark purple or purple
she comes back
"so you like purple" I say and she hands me a glass of wine
"yeah it's my favourite colour"
"mine is green"
"cheerful person"
"used to be " I say drinking the wine
"yeah" she sets beside me , drinking from her glass, and rest her head on my shoulder
"I used to be a cheerful person too" she says
suddenly the light are gone
"shit , don't worry ,the building is abit old so this happens alot but they fix it"
she says
i don't answer I just stare at her in the dark , and she stare back at me
she leans closer and closer
and she kisses me
who is she ? , someone is kissing me
"diana" I say
"dani" I hear her say , I'm no dani , I'm niall but who cares...........
an imagine for @sweetpeaAlly
because we don't have much time or a choice we had to run we had to hide from them , "zayn we need to take a rest, I want to sleep" you say
"okay baby , don't worry, there's a near hotel , we will stay the night there"
you nod
soon you park your car then go to the hotel , "a room for two please" zayn tell the receptionist ,
"sure , sure " she winks to him
, did she just to that, I'm his girlfriend you bitch
she gave him the key , tha hotel looks so amazing , they have a swimming pool and a big garden
"zayn this hotel is so expensive , we have to save our money" you tell him
"don't worry baby , just for a couple of days and we'll completely have a new life , I promise"
you nod , they send your bags to your room
"let's go have a rest " he says
"okay " we walk hand in hand , he opens the door and the room is so beautiful with a big bed in the middle and a small room for tv
"I swear zayn this is too much" you say
"relax baby, we need this " he says
"okay I'll go have a shower " you say
"take your time" ....
as soon as you finish your shower , zayn is no where to be seen
you pick up your phone and call him
"where are you?"
"I went down to the garden , they have a lovely party here , wear something fancy, and come , it's great"
"okay "
you put on a long black dress do you hair a side bride, wear you heels and head down , to the garden, you find zayn waiting for you .
"where's the party? " you say
"babe you look fantastic, and the swimming pool come on" he takes your hand
as soon as you reach the swimming pool , you hear everyone saying "surprise!" it's your and his family
"what" you don't get what's going on
"now that everybody are here , I can officially ask you , will you marry me " zayn says as he gets on one knee ,and open a little box , that has a diamond ring
" of course " you cry ,
"but how , they didn't approve, and we had to run"
"i manged to convince them"
" you are my superhero" you says and kiss his lips ..
so guys , as everyone can see this story is the only escape from the real life for me , it's the only place I can still feel that zayn are still with us or me , so yeah I want to keep writing but I have those times when I really think it's just a piece of shit and it needs to be deleted so I came to a conclusion , I won't delete the story, cuz I hate when authors delete the stories I used to love , just because they don't think it's good but I'll put vote goals so when you guys reach it , I'm make myself write a chapter even if I was so busy , you guys are my only motivation these days , so I promise to update whenever you reach the vote goal and when this story ends , I promise to make a huge edit
thank you so much for reading my story , all the love
vote goal = 8

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