Chapter One:

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"Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Standing in silence is the bodies of people. Children that are innocent and are too young to be revealed to this dreaded world. Teenagers that are about to find out their fate that rests in a roll of paper. Adults that are about to see their sons and daughters be completely transformed personality wise. We are alive, but they may as well be mindless robots – not breathing, not eating, and not feeling emotion. Dark uniformed men hand out a roll of paper with your whole future on it. From your future job and the way you act. Slowly unravelling the paper, I hold my breath. My auburn hair flows off my shoulder like a volcano erupting – messy and uncontrollable. Tears swell up in my eyes. Job: street cleaner. Traits: Gloomy, afraid, dull, and hopeless. Deep breaths fill my lungs. This cannot be happening. Soon, a chip will be inserted into my brain that will completely change my personality for the worst. I am cheerful not gloomy. I am brave not afraid. I am exciting not dull. This is not me at all, but soon it will be. Soon a chip will be inserted into my brain that will change my personality forever. I will no longer be myself. I will no longer be Valerie Parks.

"Hey, wake up!" A voice echoed. Ouch, my head. What happened? "Quick, we don't have time to stay here!"

I slowly sit up and take in my surroundings. Green, leafy trees surround me, and a boy about my age stands before me.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I ask. My voice sounds husky and my throat feels dry.

"We have to run away. No time for questions," he whispers with a soft but serious tone. His dark blue eyes glare deeply into my green eyes. Freckles cover his face and a lock of curly brown hair dangled out of place. His clothing is ripped apart like a dog tearing a toy apart.

"Why should I trust you? I've never met you before," I question.

"Look, they will kill you. If they found out that you escaped with me, we will both be screwed," he hushes. I shake my head.

"I don't remember wanting to escape," I lie. Of course I want to escape this world that I live in. I don't trust him at all. He could be working for the city for all I know.

"Yeah I wouldn't be surprised. You were pretty drugged up," he snickers. I give him a death stare after that remark. Shrugging his shoulders, he reaches out for my hand. I quickly move away.

"You kidnapped me. Wait until I tell the Government about this! They will-" My rambling was interrupted by a gunshot. Screaming, I reach for the guys' hand. My head immediately starts spinning and my vision is blurry and unclear. Black guns and blue uniformed men come running towards us. Bright lights flare all around us, and sirens blare. I turn around to find the boy, but he was gone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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