Zayn Malik fanfiction (one shot)

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hope you like it tell me if it makes you cry oh and by the way Zayn is not famous in this story ok? .....if you were wondering


"ZAYN-I-I-I-CA-N-T--BRR-EAATTHH" I gasped begging for air to enter into my lungs but failing desperately I felt the car pull up with great force causing me to be strangled by the seatbelt across my neck "ugh" a whimper escaped my lips I cant breath I cant move it's the end

" HOLD ON BABY DONT LEAVE" I hear Zayn scream I try so desperately to see his face again forcing my head to look up at my angel who was carrying me some where I felt severel doors being forced open

"HELP ME SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME SHES DYING" I hear Zayn scream I began to hear the rushing of feet and what seemed like a cart or something but that's the last thing on my mind I felt a sharp pain shoot through my chest I clenched the skin over where the unbearable pain was coming from I was laid down on a flat surface I opened my eyes slightly but only saw molds of what seemed to be people the one thing that cot my eye was a very familiar quiff I felt a small gentle tug at my hand

"it's ok love you'll be fine I promise I love you" I hear the mysterious man whisper than placing a small and gentle kiss to my lips at that moment I knew it was Zayn not one person ever kissed me the way he did and with that I felt my eyes get even heavier but I cant leave him I just cant

" LET ME GO WITH HER I NEED TO BE WITH HER" I heard Zayn scream at the nurses holding him back I reached my hand out to try and reach him I knew it was impossible to even come close to him but it was worth a try I felt a door being pushed at the front of my head and with that I saw everything go dark


"LET ME GO I NEED TO BE WITH HER " I screamed but they wouldn't let me go in the one I loved was being carried off dying and I couldn't do anything about it all I could do was watch and it made my heart break into tiny pieces that would never be restored I looked up to see (Y/N) holding her small soft hands for me to reach we both knew I couldn't reach her but I reached out as she was pushed inside a room " I love you" I whispered with a tear escaping my eye I turned and headed for a chair to sit in until I find out what was going on


~Still ZAYNS P.O.V~

I haven't slept a blink not knowing what was happing to her was killing me and the very thought of loosing her only made it even worse I saw the doctor finally come out of the room where (Y/N) was he looked at me with a sad expression and sad eyes I knew right than and there the news wasn't going to be good I stood to my feet in a split second and ran in his direction

"p-please -t-tell me she's going to be fine" I mumbled he sighed before asking me to sit down we slowly walked towards the uncomfortable chairs I had been sitting in for the past 6 hours he placed his clip board on the coffee table full of magazines before looking at me

" I'm very sorry but there really is no good news" his words tore through my being and soul I don't want to live without her " j-just tell me what's wrong" I whimpered out I prayed to myself that he would say that she had nothing wrong that she could leave with me in the morning but I knew that was never going to happen

" Ms.(L/N) heart is failing if she wants to live she would have to have open heart surgery and the even worse news is that we have no hearts in stock it would take days to get them shipped in and she only has a couple hours left " I felt tears burn down my cheeks it was like a never ending river I couldn't stop them my everything was in pain and I cant help her

"For now she is stable so if you would like you could see her now" I heard him say placing a hand on my shoulder in a comforting way which didn't help I quickly got to my feet and ran to the room I quickly pushed the doors open to see her laying down white as snow and lips red as roses and she was starring right at me I saw a smile beginning to form on her beautiful face and I ran to her side I held her in my arms tightly and felt warm tears on my back I gently pulled away too see her I slowly kissed her lips I felt her arms go around my neck and pull me closer she pressed her lips on to mine like if it where the last time she would ever get to " I love you " I heard her whisper I felt a tear roll down my cheek I slowly smiled " I love you two " I whispered back rapping my arms around her once more I knew what I had to do

~(Y/N) P.O.V~

I looked up to see the doctor begin to walk in I slowly unwrapped myself from Zayn and he did the same he walked over to Zayn and I he slowly began to tell me about what needed to be done I felt Zayns hand grip mine tightly I looked at him and he looked at me with the most heartbreaking expression it took my breath away I was fighting back tears as hard as I could but it was hard considering I might die during the surgery and if I don't have the surgery I will die for sure

I looked at Zayn with weary eyes "Z-Zayn I'm nervous what if I don't come ba-" I was cut off by him beginning to talk "it's ok I'll be here when you come out promise right here" he pointed to my failing heart I smiled wearingly before he slowly pressed his lips to mine I felt a tear fall on my cheek but it wasn't mine his kiss felt so amazing but this one was different it felt as if I would never be able to touch his lips again and I needed to savor every last bit of it "I love you" he said into the kiss "I love you too" I replied I felt another tear on my cheek he slowly began to pull away but we still held hand in hand

"see you when you come out hunny" he whimpered I felt tears roll down my cheeks " see yah baby" I smiled shyly he slowly released my hand walking out of the room


~(Y/N) P.O.V~

I woke up to a bright light coming from the side of me was I in heaven? couldn't be I think heaven would have a lot more comfortable beds I slowly sat up I didn't dare look down at my chest it must be horrible looking but of course knowing myself I did but there was nothing at all just a very small scar huh "WAIT" I hollered I saw Zayn slowly walk in but he didn't seem right he seemed almost as if he has been crying for hours without any sleep "Zayn are you ok" he slowly smiled at me but it wasn't genuine "I'm fine babe lay back down you need the rest he slowly walked towards me I hesitantly laid back down trying not to cause any pain to my chest " you need to rest ok " I heard him mumble I nodded slightly

" is everything alright Zayn I thought you would be happy to see me?" I hesitantly said not really wanting to know the real answer but I wanted to know why he was so down I was alright

"Everything is fine now relax" he said leaning over me kissing my lips tenderly but it didn't feel the same they felt cold and un-real he slowly pulled away with his eyes tightly closed as if holding back tears I went to grasp his cheek but he pulled back almost as if he was scared of me it hurt me so much what was happening " I-I'm sorry" he said and right as he was about to walk out I whispered "I love you" he slowly turned to me and smiled letting a tear roll down his cheek "I love you too" and with that he walked out I quickly ripped the ivs and ran after him I felt warm streams of blood running down my arms I tried ignoring the extreme pain coming from my arm to find Zayn I quickly Ran to the lobby where I found a teddy bear with a rose and card I quickly picked it up wondering who's it might be it read

To my dearest (Y/N) I love you

I quickly opened it making sure not to rip it I opened it to find a letter

Dear (Y/N),

If only you knew how much I love you, you would understand I have never loved someone as much as I have loved you no one can and will never change that you are my everything and I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up just know that I will always be in our heart I will always be with you


what was he talking about he was there and what cant I understand I quickly ran back to my room to see tones of nurses rushing to help me stop the bleeding once it stopped I finally got the attention of one smaller nurse

"Hey did you see a Brunette brown eyes he was here with me" she looked at me with a confused look before her eyes went wide and her eyes filled with sorrow

"Didn't they tell you who the downer was?"
I felt my heart drop "NO, NO,NO THIS CAN'T BE ITS NOT FAIR


thank you so much for reading hope you liked it please give me feedback and if you want more just ask thank you so much guys

Zayn Malik fanfiction (one shot)Where stories live. Discover now