When you first meet

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{This is going to be a continuous thing, the romance will blossom with every chapter I write, so just keep reading, promise!}

Finally! A day at the beach! You've been waiting for this for so long! After long hours of work and school, a day off is just what you needed. And there was practically no one there, it was so peaceful. Until...
"Nagisa we came here to practice, not to play."
"Aw, come on Haru-chan! A little volley ball won't hurt!"
Of course you couldn't have any peace and quite, I can never win, you thought. So, you decided to tan in the nice warm sun. As you tanned you heard them as they swam around and 'practiced', occasionally giggling at how silly they seemed to be. After a while you felt water dropped on your back, then it stated to down poor. You quickly ran for your huge umbrella and hid under it. You saw the boys look around for a place to stay dry, but surprisingly you where the only one with an umbrella.
"Do you mind sharing your umbrella?" Said one of the boys. You looked up and saw the boys shivering, so of course you said yes. They rushed underneath the umbrella, one of them sat next to you.
"Thanks," said the guy next to you, he had shimmering black hair.
"No problem." You smiled and said back, "I'm (Y/N) by the way." You held out your hand to shake.
"I'm Haru." He said taking you hand and shaking it, with a slight smile on his face.
You and Haru sat there for a while and talked until the storm cleared up, then the rest of the team ran off. Haru ran off to go catch up with them, as he ran away he yelled back,
"Thank you!"
"W-wait!" You yelled back, but he was already gone. I should've got his number, you thought and you packed up your things.

It was early one morning before school, your mom yelled at you to let the cat out just as you woke up. As always, you let the cat out, but just as a certain someone was walking by.
"Oh hey there!" Said the tall, brunette haired boy that you had a secret crush on. You watched from the window in the door you let the cat out of. Makoto picked up your cat and started to pet it, then he looked over in your direction and met your eyes. You ducked down hoping he didn't see you.
"Ouch!" You heard him scream.
You quickly looked out the window to see what was going on, you saw him with a scratch on his face from your cat. You rushed out side, picked up your cat, and ran over to where Makoto was standing.
"Are you okay?! I'm so sorry I'm sure she didn't mean it!" You frantically blurted.
"No, no, I'm fine, Really! I just need a band-aid." He said while smiling at you, which made your heart race.
"Sure! Here, why don't you come inside I'll get you a band-aid!" You said while opening the door for him and setting down your cat. He sat on the couch while you ran to the bath room and grabbed the box of band-aids. When you came back you kneeled down beside him and cleaned up his face and then out the band-aid on it.
"Sorry about all this, she's pregnant so she can be a bit cranky." You apologized as he stood up, you had to look up because he towered over you.
"Don't worry about it, it no big deal," He said with out loosing his beautiful smile. "Don't you go to my school? I think I've seen you around."
"Yeah, I'm in the year below yours though, so you don't really see me that much." You said while rubbing the back of your neck.
"Cool!" He cheered. "I'll see you at school then."
"Yeah, see you then." You said realizing you were going to be late. He waved good by then left, leaving you smiling like an idiot, realizing that you finally got to talk to your crush.

Being in class after getting 3 hours of sleep is never fun, but that was the situation you were in. After first period, you had completely blacked out and snoring with your head on the desk. In any situation, the teacher would've kicked you out of class, but it seemed as if the gods had sent down a savor to wake you up before the teacher noticed. This saviors name was Nagisa, the cheery, always happy kid that sat next to you in class. As he shook you awake he admired how cute you looked while sleeping.
You slowly opened your eyes to meet the golden ones starting back at you. You jumped awake, then looking at your surroundings and realizing where you were.
"T-thank you!" You whispered and pretended to do you work.
"Your welcome, (Y/N)-chan!" He whispered back.
How does he know my name? You thought.
For the rest of class you just stared and stared at his beautiful golden locks.

Getting up on the first day is a hassle, which is why you missed the bus. So you grabbed your stuff and started to run to school. As you started to run you noticed the guy in front of you, he looked about your age and he was pretty fast. As you ran you started to catch up to him, to the point where you were almost next to him. He glanced back at you, looking annoyed.
What's his problem? You thought, starting to run a little bit in front of him. He speed up his pace so he was in front of you again, you took this as a challenge. You speed up again running in front of him, this time looking back an smirking. He looked surprised at first, but then he caught on and raced ahead. You two did this for a while, you passed the school and had to race each other back. When you got to school you looked him straight in the eye and said,
"Same time tomorrow?" Then you ran off to class.

You decided that for this year of high school, you were going to join a swim club. When you sighed up and went to your first practice, every one was really nice and no one really complained that you were the only girl on the swim team. You weren't half bad either, but coach insisted that you have a mentor. He brought you over to one of the other lanes, just as a young man with crimson red hair was getting out if the pool.
"Rin, I want you to stay after with (Y/N) and practice with her a little more."
The couch said pushing you forward a little more.
"What? Why?" Rin exclaimed
"Because she needs a little more help and I trust you'll improve her." The couch explained.
"Fine." Rin sighed.
He got out of the pool and stood in front of you.
You extended your hand and said,
"Hi, I'm (Y/N), I'm new to the team as you guessed."
He took your hand and shook it.
"I'm Rin I'll be you mentor, I guess." He replied.
"I should get back to work, I'll see you after practice then?" You asked letting go of his hand.
"Uh, yeah see you later." He said turning and then diving into the water.
You walked back over to your lane and started to practice again, thinking of how you wanted to impress the amazing swimmer that's going to be teaching you.

Hi every one! I'll have more coming soon! In fact a chapter should be out every week!

Next chapter:
Getting his number

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