Sindbad the Sailor (full story)

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The History of Sindbad the Sailor

"In the reign of the Caliph Haroun Alrashid, there lived in Bagdad a poor porter, who was named Hindbad. One day, during the most violent heat of summer, he was carrying a heavy load from one extremity of the city to other. Much fatiqued by the lenght of the way he had come, he arrived in a street where the pavement was sprinkled with rose-water, and a grateful coolness refresh the air. Delighted whit this mild and pleasant situation, he placed his load near a large mansion. The delicius scent of aloes and frankincense which issuing from within the house accompanied with the melody of the nightingales, and other birds peculiar to the climate of Bagdad, added to the smell of different sorts of viands, led Hindbad to suppose that some grand feast was in progress. He wished to know to whom this house belonged. To satisfy his curiosity, therefore, he approached some magnificently dressed servants who were standing at the door, and inquired who was the master of that mansion. 'What,' replied the servant, 'are you inhabitant of Bagdad, and do not know that this is the residence of Sindbad the sailor, that famous voyager, who has roamed over all the seas under the sun?' The porter, who had heard of the immense riches of Sindbad, could not help comparing the situation of this man, whose lot appeared so enviable, with his own deplorable position, and distressed by the reflection, he raised his eyes to heaven, and exclaimed in a loud voice: 'Almighty creator of all things deign to consider the difference that there is between Sindbad and myself. I suffer daily a thousand ills, and have the greatest difficulty in supplying my wretched family with bad barley bread, whilst the fortunate Sindbad lavishes his richer in profusion, and enjoys every pleasure. What has he done to obtain so happy destiny, or what crime has been mime to merit a fate so rigorous?' He wass still musing on his fate, when a servant came towards him from the house and said: 'Come, follow me, my master Sindbad wishes to speak with you.'"

"Hindbad was not a little surprised at the compliment that paid him. Remenbering the words he had just uttered, he began to fear that Sindbad sent to him to reprimand him, and therefore he tried to excuse himself from going. He decleared that he coud not leave this load in the middle of the street. But the servant assured him that it should be taken care of, and pressed him so much to go that the porter could no longer refuse."

"His conductor led him into a spacious room where a number of persons were seated round a table, which was covered with all kinds of delicate viands. In the principal seat sat a grave and venerable personage, whos long white beard hung down to his breast, and behind him stood a crowd of officers and servants ready to wait on him. This person was Sindbad. Quite confused by the number of the company and the magnifience of the entertainments, the porter made his obeisance with fear an trembling. Sindbad desired him to approach, and seating him at his right hand., helped him to the choicest dishes, and made him drink some of the excelent wine which the sideboard was plentifully supplied."

"Towards the end of the repast, Sindbad began to speak, an addressing Hindbad by the title 'My brother', the common salutation amongst the Arabians when they converse familiary, he inquired the name and profession of his quests. 'Sir,' replied the porter, 'my name is Hindbad.'

'I am happy to see you,' said Sindbad, but i wish to know from your own lips what it was you said just now in the street;' for Sindbad, before he went to dinner, he heard from the window every word of Hindbad's ejaculation, which was the reason of his sendiny for him. At this request, Hindbad, full of confusion, hung down his head, and replied, 'Sir, i must confess to you that, put out of humour by weariness and exhaustion, i uttered some indiscreet words, which i entreat you to pardon.'

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