Info Before Story

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So I should say that there is blood, death, murder, gore, more death, and Herobrine. Obviously. So. Yeah.

First off. Here are the characters.

Star- Lordstarkitty
Adam- Skydoesminecraft
Kandace- KandaceBrine- Me
Jason- TrueMU
Tyler- Munching Brotato
Drake- Rejectedshotgun
Jerome- JeromeASF
Bashur- Bashurverse
Quentin- HuskyMudkipz
Ty- Deadlox
Mitch- Bajan Canadian
Seto- Setosorcorer
Bodil- Bodil40
Sub- Subzeroexcabite
Brineary/Rogziel- Bri/Roggi
Herobrine- Bright Eyes

I had to add Steve for no reason. Well. Maby one. Herobrine is in it. So. Yeah.

Brineary, if you've read 'Daughter Of A Deamon'/'Light In The Dark', is NOT IMMORTAL. He is not that hostile unless provoked. He is mortal in this book. He has no powers except hovering. If you've seen Brineary on Deviant art, you should know he has a twin bro. Except. In this, it's actualy a diffrent personality. That's who Rogziel is.

Seto has no powers either. Except hovering and purple fireballs.

I suggest you do not chose a favourate because he/she might die.

Sooo... Yeah. Just sit back, relax if you can, and just be happy that you're not in these guys/gals shoes. Sooo... Yeah...

Why do I say 'So yeah' so much?

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