Prologue (end of season 4)

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"Emma! No!" Regina yelled, causing her to stop in her tracks. "There has to be another way." She struggled to say as the darkness twisted and swirled around her maliciously trying to snuff out the light. "There isn't." Emma replied. Her hair wiped behind her due to the death promising wind that was whispering her name. She choked back tears. "You've worked too hard to have your happiness destroyed." Regina looked down in agreement and self loathing. Why couldn't she have just been good to begin with.

Emma jolted to throw her arm into the evil that was the dark one. "NO!" David yelled before it was too late. Emma dropped her hand and turned towards her parents and boyfriend, "you figured how to get the darkness out of me once. You need to do it again. As heros." No one knew what to do but they did know that if they didn't act they would lose her, possibly forever.

The pain started to take effect on Regina as Hook yelled "Emma!" He sprinted towards her not about to let another love slip through his fingers. "Emma please!" Emma turned towards him, tears in her eyes. Hook could see her determination and was desperate to change her mind. "No, don't do this." Emma stepped towards him for one last time as herself needing to tell him something. "I love you" Emma admitted. Hook placed his forehead against hers taking in the three words he dreamt of leaving her lips. But this was not how he imagined it. Emma pushed him away and threw her arm into the darkness."No!" Hook screamed. But it was too late. He had lost another love. Everyone watched in horror as Regina was freed and the evil slowly crawled up Emma's arm snickering to itself as it aimed to snuff out another light. Regina stood frozen not sure what to do but wanting to. "Ah!" Emma yelled in pain as the darkness filled every one of her veins and made a journey to her heart.

Regina ran to Robin as Emma was fully taken over. The cyclone lifted off the ground spiralling in the sky before suddenly, disappearing. Leaving only the dagger in its place.
With the name 'Emma Swan' elegantly carved in the centre of the blade.

Comment if I should continue

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