new girl is my mate

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  • Dedicated to Dedrah Nicole


I was in the car again watching the trees flying by. We were running again, from him, my father. My father is a cruel man; he beats me and my mother. I won’t let him touch my little brother jimmy. Jimmy doesn’t deserve this life nether does my mother. They would be free of this life if it wasn’t for me. I am at fault for all of my family’s problems. If I was never born then maybe all would be ok. My father wouldn’t be an abusive drunk and my mother wouldn’t be on the run. She would be able to settle down and be with the man she loves. And my little brother, my saving grace, would be able to grow up in one place and have friends and talk more, be like a little 5 year old should be. But no my mother gave birth to me 17 years ago, and what did she get stuck with a freak of nature. And now she is forced to live this life, a horrible life. I know now that is what, I am a freak.

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