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Ulgrin Smith was sitting in the Federal marshal lounge. He was waiting  for the SCP agents to bring him to their Foundation. He said," I scored 100 in the SCP guard screening test. I'm getting out of here." The scientists were looking at Ulgrins files. It said,

Name: Ulgrin Jay Smith
Skill: Ten
Discretion: A  muscular male that has no criminal records. Falsely accused of murder. Pardoned. Army veteran.

They decided that they should accept him into the Foundation. A scientist came up to him and said," You've been excepted into the Foundation. Please follow me." He followed him and they got to a truck. When they got they got there, they went into a gate called Gate A. They went into a training program where they were taught how to handle breaches. Ulgrin passed. This was off to a fantastic start when he became a guard. He said," This is great.

SCP Containment Breach: Agent UlgrinWhere stories live. Discover now