To Keep You Safe

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"Lucy, are you sure you're ready to come? I know you've been at the guild for a while now, but this is an extreme place that we are going to, and the mission will be hard."

"I'm sure. You can't keep me cooped up in this apartment forever Natsu. Plus, the rent for next month is due soon. I'll need the extra cash."

"I could complete the mission and split the money with you...

"But that's not any fun is it, Natsu?"


Natsu stares at the limp body of the blonde haired mage as he carries her in his arms, sprinting to find the nearest village and get her help. Shards of hardened snow cut into his feet but he doesn't notice. The only thing he's thinking about was the smile on Lucy's face when they were still in her apartment. She had persuaded him to take her with him when he went on a mission, and he had stupidly brought her to one of the most extreme missions on the Fairy Tail job notice board.

Hot tears roll down Natsu's cheeks as he cries out his regret. A tear falls and splatters on Lucy's smooth cheek. Awoken, she turns her head towards her carrier. Natsu stares down with tear-filled eyes.

"I'm sorry," he whispers, "I should have never brought you with me."

Lucy smiles weakly, and tries to wipe away his tears. She hated seeing her always-optimistic friend like this.

"Don't be. I'm glad I got to experience this with you."

Drained of her energy, Lucy lets out a small sigh, and lets the overwhelming darkness of sleep pull her into its embrace.

"N-n-n-n-o" Natsu whispers, "Stay with me. C'mon wake up."

He wipes away the tears and continues to sprint with a renewed energy to save Lucy. He wasn't about to lose one of his closest friend. His feet pounded on the ground, and he could see pinpricks of light,, shining bright against the black night sky. Just a little more...

And just like that he's there. He collapses onto the ground from the fatigue, still cradling Lucy's faintly breathing body.

"SOMEONE PLEASE. HELP ME." and that was the last thing he remembered before everything blacked out.


Natsu... Natsu come on... Wake up Natsu...

Days drift by for Natsu as he flits between awake and asleep. At times, he can hear a voice, a sweet one, like an angel's, calling for him to wake up. But no matter how hard he tries to open his eyes, tell this mysterious sweet maiden that he's fine, he can't. The clutches of sleep grab ahold of him, and it's all he can do to not fully succumb to it.

Finally, one day, he musters enough strength to lift his eyelids. He looks around at his surroundings. A roughly woven blanket covering his body, a cheery fireplace and one sleeping blonde-haired girl sitting on a rickety wooden chair. Aside from a few remaining bandages, Lucy looked as good as new to him. He decided to not wake her, and watch her sleep.

After what seemed like three minutes for Lucy, she snapped awake. It had been days since she managed to sleep as she was constantly at Natsu's side. At last, the old granny who had initially saved both her and Natsu had told her to get some rest, and soon after fell asleep. She raised her eyes, and was surprised when they were met with an beautiful pair of open crimson ones. Her lips tilted up to a smile, a gesture that was so unfamiliar given she hadn't smiled for a month while Natsu laid in bed. Tears of joy leaked from her eyes, and she threaded her arms around Natsu and enveloped him in a giant hug.

"Ouch! Watch the injuries!" Natsu joked, wincing as various parts of Lucy pressed against his still-healing wounds. He notices Lucy's tears, and immediately sobers up.

"Hey, don't cry. I'm fine now, aren't I?" he murmurs as he pats Lucy awkwardly on the back. Lucy looks at him and smiles.

"Yeah. You're fine now." she says, wiping away her tears. "It's just, you were asleep for so long, I nearly lost hope. And what was worse? I couldn't help you. I could only sit by your bed and hope for the best."

Natsu remembers back to when Lucy had lain half dead in his arms, as the snow drifted around him. He didn't want that to happen again, and at that moment, made an oath that he wouldn't allow it to happen again.

"Lucy... you know that I'd do anything to keep you safe. You mean the world to me, and its time you knew that.." Natsu blushes, looking away. Lucy looks at him, surprised.

"I like you Lucy. Really like. Like, like like and in the love sense you know? Like, that kind of lik-" Natsu's stuttering was cut off by Lucy as she leans in and kisses him. He could feel her soft lips upon his, and taste the slightly sweet scent that she always had on her. Lucy broke away, and smiled.

"I like you too Natsu."

The next few weeks were spent with Natsu making a full recovery and Lucy looking after him as he recovered. When Natsu was fully recovered, they set off on the journey back to the guild, after saying many "thank-yous" to the granny who took them in, and despite her protests, giving her the large sum of money they earnt from the quest. They travelled to the nearest town and then caught a train back. After many rounds of puking, Natsu finally blacked out on the train seats snoring, and Lucy quietly read a book by herself.

"Lucy.." Lucy looks up, only to see that Natsu was sleep-talking.

"Lucy I'll always be there. To keep you safe."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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