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That is the only thing I can see. It fills my vision, leaving me confused and scared. I try to open my eyes, but they are already open. I blink, but the darkness stays.

Occasionally, a small blotch of colour, green or yellow, dances along my sight and then disappears into the dark.

I yank my arms towards my body, immediately feeling resistance and hearing the sound of chains rattling. I'm chained up. I can't move. And I have no idea how I ended up like this or why I am like this. I continue to pull at my arms, trying to free my wrists but it is no use. I try to move my legs to but they are chained up as well. My heart is pounding in my chest and my breaths are coming out in short gasps.

Wherever I am, it's quiet, to quiet for my liking. The silence makes me tense and I want to scream, yell, shout. Do anything just to give me a hint of where I am. However, I'm not the one to break the silence.

A low chuckle fills the room, raspy and weak but still sounding deadly. I can tell the person is a male from how deep his chuckle was. My body tenses and chills run up my spine as the sound echoes off the walls and my throat tightens as I open my mouth to speak. "Who are you?" I ask, my voice shaking slightly as I have to force the words from my mouth.

No answer.

I don't think he hears me or he had found my words inaudible and I open my mouth to speak again when the scraping of wood against concrete echoes around the room. I close my mouth and chew on the inside of my cheek. The clicking of shoes against the floor slowly make their way towards me and heart races, jumping out of my chest as if it wanted to run away from whoever was approaching me.

The footsteps stop two feet in front of me and I feel the hot breath of the man caress my cheek. I wait, anticipating what he was going to do next, wondering if he'll say something. But nothing happens...

For the next few minutes, I am left standing there, my mind racing as I think of the possible situations I'm in. I try to avoid the bad ones, not wanting to dwell on the ones that will send me into having a small panic attack.

As the seconds tick by, my urge to scream becomes stronger, wanting to know why I am in this agonising hell of silence. I know he is still there, I can still feel his breath against my skin. I don't move as I don't want to be the one to provoke anything that could harm myself. It's a risk I'm not willing to take.

I'm thinking of what I should say, choosing my words carefully before saying them, when I feel the cool, sharp metal of a blade touch my skin. A scream erupts from me as the blade digs into my wrist and slices through my skin. Blood instantly starts to well up from the fresh cut and I can feel the hot, red liquid run down my arm and drip to the floor. The cut isn't deep enough to be dangerous however, it's deep enough to allow a lot of blood to stream from my wrist.

Another minute and I can feel the blade press against my wrist again, right below the first cut. My eyes sting a little as I hold back my tears but it is hard when waves of pain wash over me every time the man slices my wrist. Blood coats my arm and the scent of metal and salt fill the air. I can feel each new cut is deeper than the last, dangerously close to being too deep.

My head pounds and my throat is dry from screaming out for help and for him to stop. Tears stream down my cheeks, spilling from my eyes, "stop!" I yell, but he continues, the blade now making cuts on the other wrist. I try to kick away from him but I'm chained up, unable to help myself from this torture.

"Go away!" I scream, ready to give in as my voice is almost gone. I wait for him to continue but nothing happens. I still feel my blood on my arm, now drying and sticking to my skin. The pounding in my head slowly disappears until it become a minor ache. I can no longer feel his hot breath on my skin, or his presence for that matter, my sobs no longer echo around the room. Silence is the only sound I hear and it rings through my ears. I'm still in chains, though they feel heavier and seem to weigh me down more than hold me still.

A few minutes pass and the first sound to destroy the silence is the sound of rushing water. It's faint and I can barely hear it but it slowly grows louder, as if I'm walking towards rapids. Soon, it's a raging roar in my ears and I squeeze my eyes shut, wanting the noise to die down as my headache grows again. 

When I open my eyes, I find I'm somewhere familiar...

AN: Hey! This is a new story I'm starting and I hope you enjoy it. Vote and Comment please as any feedback about this story would be amazing. Chapters will be longer but I didn't want to introduce much in the prologue.

I'll post the first/next chapter after this prologue gets 10 views.

Thank you :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2015 ⏰

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