~ Chapter 1 ~ Seeing Him ~

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Disclaimer: The GazettE are only owned by the record companies they are signed to plus the GazettE are really good. go check 'em out. peace.

"Hey, Ru remember that internship I applied to awhile back but couldn't go because it wasn't in Tokyo?" My only and best friend said walking down to the back of the school. My friend and I decided to ditch the last class of the day, the back of the school is known for the smokers, druggies, sex etc.

"Aoi of course I remember, you made the biggest fuss over applying that you wouldn't shut up, what about the internship?" I replied.

"Well they called me up because they are in Japan doing a film, and they asked if I was available."

"And that's good because?"

"Oh, ha ha Ruki,"

"So, did they tell you what you are going to be doing?"

"Nope" he said, arriving to our spot. I sat down and pulled out a cigarette and my lighter, I put the cig in my mouth and lit it up taking a long drag, letting it fill my lungs before handing the lighter over to Aoi. I let the smoke out slowly, smoking always calmed me down in ways I could never explain.

I look over to Aoi who is doing exactly the same. Breaking the silence I mumbled,

"When do you start?"

"I start next week, and I will be working for a month or so"

"So I'm going to be alone for a month or so." I pouted, 'great' I thought.

"Aww Ru you won't be alone, I'll be here on the days I don't have to work ne" he pushed me slightly, I laughed pushing him back.

"I suppose you are right." I mumbled. I threw the cancer stick to the ground, squishing it under my shoe. I watched as Aoi did the same minutes later,

"Aoi, have ever thought on what it would be like to do weed?" I asked,

"No, and why would I?''

I shrugged, Aoi may be my best and only friend right now however years before I was 17 and before I even met Aoi I had another friend someone I don't talk to anymore and someone I thought cared but didn't as he left me for some career and a better best friend. I can't help but feel nostalgia when I think or remember the fun times we had together, it makes me sad that he threw it all away. Was I not good enough? Or something, did I do something wrong? I would never know he never told me the reason.

The end of school bell rang through my mini melodrama in my head, Aoi stood placing his hand in front of my face, I grabbed hold of his hand and he pulled me up with so much strength I tumbled over. He giggled I punched him on the arm, we walked off leaving the school grounds. I noticed that the further we walked down the street, the darker the sky was becoming. The air started to become thick with the smell of rain, walking further I felt a few drops on my skin soon it would become a downpour, I didn't care I love the rain however I knew if I were to walk into my house drenched I would not only get a scolding but probably beaten as well. I sped up my walking, I could only hope that my parents aren't home.

Aoi could see what was happening, so he didn't say anything just keeping up with my fast short strides. The further down the street we got the harder it was to see I gave up on trying to be dry ages ago, I looked behind me to see Aoi stop, and walking back over to him I pulled his arm.

"Aoi, come on we are getting drenched more by standing here and you know what will happen if I walk in my house drenched, so come on." I pulled again but he didn't budge. I gave in looking to where Aoi was, I saw bright lights, a film crew and actors. I squinted my eyes to try and see more, but the rain was just too thick.

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