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Hey, sweetheart.

Sometimes life throws a crap load of bullshit on you, and you just don't feel like fighting back, but as my mother once used to say; Angels are watching over you. They really are, so you do the best and show them how badass you really can be. Okay, sweetie?

You know, I'm so proud of how far you've come. A Winchester never quits, even though everything seems dark. You are a Winchester, you belong in this family. You just gotta keep on going, 'cause there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I know that. Your problem has a solution, you know, and sooner or later, you'll find out. The world has a need for you. I have a need for you.

Just don't ruin yourself. Don't destroy yourself too much. You're too goddamn beautiful for that. Listen to some old classic rock, read a magazine (you know my favorite one) or just do something that makes you feel good. I'll always be taking care of you, no matter what. Keep grinding, keep it up. I need you.

Keep your head up high, kiddo.

-Dean Winchester.

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