CHAPTER 1: Main Story...

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These are 3 Irish lads that some years ago decided to chase their dreams to be musicians, their names are Daniel John Mark Luke O'Donoghue also known as Danny 'cos as he'd say if not it's too formal for him, Mark Anthony Sheehan for the family Mark and finally Glen Joseph Power, our dear Mr.Power 'cos the name says enough.

Nowadays they're in a band called The Script and they've saved and save everyday thousands of lives around the whole world, more than musicians they're family for all of us and I don't know where we all of us would be without them.

The 3 of them are all handsome and we can't ignore it but that's not the best they have, just in case you wanna know I'd describe both ways of them to you, their inside and outside with the best words.

-First we have Danny, the main singer of the group. If I've to say the most shocking thing of his body is that he's so tall, then he also has a gorgeous hair which makes everybody fall in love with him and his perfect body has no words to be described. He's funny and friendly so we can't hope anything else.

-Then I'm gonna tell you about Mark, our favorite ginger beard and ninja with amazing hands and he isn't short either lol but he's such a joker that you can laugh all day and night, am I right boom man ?  Or are you still worried about your f***ing soup ? 

- Last but not least, Glen, what can I tell you about him ? He's the best human being on this Earth without doubt, if you are a member of this huge family, you understand my thoughts perfectly. Apart from that, his eyes are deep, blue like the ocean and you can get lost in them and his smile well...pure perfection.

I try to choose in my mind who is my fav of them for me but seriously I can't ! I'm so indecisive and they make my choice very difficult 'cos for my heart they all are simply the best so if you've already picked yours I guess you're lucky. The clearest thing you'd always appreciate in them is HONESTY, the concept that today's society has forgot about but they were raised in the best hands, reason why they're the men they have become. 

They're hardworking and always busy because of job and right now they've finished their 4th tour called like their 4th album, NSWS (No Sound Without Silence), like every detail coming from them the title has a long and meaningful story behind it. Painting the town green around most of the world is what they always and best do...and is the main reason why we are here, 'cos we wanna be by their side in this long long long journey.

Before I forget I must tell you about their talents (let me tell you in the same random order):

-Danny: he can sing, he can play the piano/keyboards & also the guitar.

-Mark: he can sing & play the guitar (I'll bet he can play any kind of guitar).

-Glen: he can sing, he can play the drums, the guitar & the piano too.

Oh and the most important, these 3 Irish are all songwriters. Are you now brave enough to say that they're nobody in today's music industry ? Remember they've an army of angels behind them...

Each day they're more succesful, obvious results of their fourth albums which are: The Script, Science & Faith, #3 & NSWS. The moment you listen to one of those songs you fall in love, you listen to another and you feel you've discovered a band, not a normal band just YOUR band. Later you listen to the whole CD and you can't stop listening to it, after, you can only think of seeing them on stage performing and also about meeting them and finally when you were about to have a heart attack you can't wait to listen to another new album and of course to learn the lyrics of every single song again.

I hate the moment when people offend us only because we enjoy their music, it's like" keep calm I'm not telling you what kind of music you must listen to, right ? "                                                                         

However, I believe they do it because they're jealous or they envy us 'cos not every celebrity is like our boys are. If people who judge them only knew for how much pain they've gone through and the effort they have made for having this.  In fact, I don't have any idea of how can I thank them enough for giving me such close friends around the globe, friends that became family a while ago.

What they've now they really deserve it and even more 'cos they've been working every day and night, all their lifes struggling to make things right and as they say: "that's how a superheroe learns to fly..." and that's how my superheroes learnt to fly.


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