Bounded By Deceit

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Copyright © 2011 by Anesha G

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Standing under the bright moonlight’s gaze,

I’m hypnotized with lust as I’m enveloped by your embrace,

Bounded by your soft whispers that kisses my ears,

Forcing my knees to turn to water.

While your hands journeys along my frame,

Causing a burning sensation of treachery in its wake.

It draws me deeper into the river of deception.

Yet, somehow I cannot break free.

The will to swim to shore has been lost in the wake of your candy lips,

Tantalizing me and drawing me into your entaglement.

It lick at my desires, forcing me to act upon them.

Your tender touch heats my most desired spot,

Stroking it to life,

Filling it with your corrupted lies,

Forcing it to purr with approval as the tender tears of yearning

Begs for more and more,

While accepting such corruption lovingly,

And willing all coherent thinking to vanish

In the wake of uninhibited languish.

I fear for my captured heart,

Knowing that it was stolen through fabricated truth,

Yet at a loss retrieve it,

As I am blatantly aware of my shackled courage.

My strength has melted away,

Willpower dissipated before my very eyes,

Rational thinking all but drowned.

I’m only focused on the most prominent feeling,

The same consciousness that was thrust upon me,

Suffocating me as time passes by.

Who knew such feeling would both be loved yet hated?

Pushed deeper within the seas of poison,

I sank even more, not sure if I’m even willing to be saved.

Not sure if I’m willing to endure such seducing feelings.

The seduction that enchants me into submission,

Lulls at my heightened senses,

Highlighting them to the malicious lingering stare before me,

Feeding off of them,

Using them to my disadvantage to tighten its hold.

I’m unsure,

Pondering my existence to this beasts,

Decoding his true intentions.

I’m positive,

Positive of his motive,

His motive of enslavement,

Forever making me bound to such behaves.

It’s slowly forming into an addiction as I sink even more into the sea,

A sea notorious only for deception, lust and captivity.

The sea that has slowly become my home,

Forever taunting,

Teasing me,

Laughing mercilessly at me.

It aggravates me which forces nothing but loathing,

Yet I welcome the feeling.

I tend to receive pleasure far beyond comprehension,

Get the privilege to experience a burst of multiple freedoms,

That grips at my twisted immorality.

Such experience makes my body attuned with nature,

Harmonizing with my unspoken surroundings,

As I’m overflowing with blissful ignorance –

Blissful ignorance that forms a sense of security,

A form of false utopia rapture,

That sneakily holds the truth in secrecy.

Secrecy that’s as vivid as the moon’s silken silvery gaze that softly kisses me.

Such pureness is what keeps my wretched soul alive,

Hopeful of the chaste freedom that will someday arrive.

Until then,

I submerge myself even more into this cold yet welcoming sea.

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