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It wasn't very long before the world went black. Only thing I could see through the darkness was the grin of a faded creature. My breathing getting thinner each second, I closed my eyes.
That was my last memory, the only reflection on what sucked my into this everlasting abyss of agony. Falling deeper into the pain with no escape. Death was the only answer to my problems, but at this rate, I knew that won't be happening for a long time.
A dim light formed which meant, I was almost on the outside. Was it worth it? My body trembled and I couldn't feel I could even go on. Who knows what horrors in store.
The light grew larger, brighter. I reached out my arm, maybe there was hope. That all depends, though, for almost nothing in the world goes my way. It became so bright that my eyes were unable to stay open.
My eyes slowly open and I stare, looking around. I try to move but I am tied against a wall. Three people walk in wielding knives, and grins. The natural thing people would do is freak out, or something like that. However, my body didn't let me. It seemed as if it was accustomed to things like this. If it's like that, who knows what things were like while he was out.
The one with the sharpest knife, who seemed to be the leader, walks up to me. He rubs his knife across the side of my face, releasing a slight trickle of blood. He grins looking down at me. "So you are finally awake, I see" he says tilting his head.
Warily, I nod and look at the ropes. He stands and walks away. "Get him out of that, someone." He orders before disappearing from the room. Somebody went behind me and undid the rope, setting me free. As I stand up I stretch. Everyone grabs a tighter hold of their knives as they walk closer to me.
I look at everybody because I was being dragged into a room. That leader was standing on a table. He seemed to be waiting for me. I scanned the crowd and spotted about four people who are new here.
There seemed to be a speech going on. At this moment I am not so sure if I really would like to stay or go back to the pit. A decision I couldn't answer right now. This felt like one of those school lectures, but it was obviously more than that. "Oh, there is our guest of honor." I hear, the red haired guy again. He was looking at me, fear came over me instantaneously and I don't really want to be here. Who knows what kind of psychopaths this place was filled with.
I am grabbed by two people and pulled up front. He gives me a look as I stand on the table next to him. This was becoming weirder each second. I can't do this, one I hate being in a room with people I don't know. Two, I don't like speaking in front of a crowd. And Three, most of these people are completely insane and they freak me out.
I can't wait to get this over with, I will probably die before getting out of this place. But, I guess if they like me, they won't kill me. So that's top on my agenda. "Please introduce yourself." He says looking at me.
"Um. My name is Minene. And um I am here" I say, nervously. All eyes were on me. I stare at every one, I can't handle this, my face goes a light shade of red.
"So who would like to show minene around this place?" The leader asks. Only about three hands raise. "You two will show him." He concludes stepping down. The two people walk out and look at me, they didn't seem to be going crazy around here. I should get to know them better.
They lead and I follow them. "So what goes on around here?" I asks looking at them?
"We should all get to know each other the boy says looking back at me, and then to the girl. She nods, and so do I. Some good friends would be vital to surviving in this place. Maybe, just maybe I can trust them. They take me into a big room, it was empty right now. They sit and I sit beside them, still not fully sure I can trust them. They had grins on their faces already. Was this going to go how I planned in my head?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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