I keep a lot in. I stress about so much. I can't breath right now. All I want to do is cry. Not because I'm doing work but because I know I'm not doing well enough and because I have so much to do. I can't help but cry it doesn't feel like anyone is proud of me and it feels like I'm just not important to anyone. I'm just everyone's play thing to push around and take advantage of. Everything I do is just never enough for anyone. I'll never be good enough. I'll never be worth it. I'll never be useful. I'll never be the people everyone wants me to be. I'm a lier I admit to being a lier. I know I'm not the best person in the world. But I try to do what I can to make people proud of me but that's never enough. I'm just a flipping rock that everyone likes to do as they please with it. No I'm not okay. I'm dying inside I'm tearing apart. Do I show it? No. Because I wanna help people because I can't help myself. I stand in the mirror and just down myself "mistake" "why would anyone love you" "how can you be alive" "why are you so cold" "stop whining.Don't be a baby" I'm cold but only because the world made me this way. I'm stressed but only because I'm a failure. I'm a mistake because I'm never enough.