Chapter 1

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 I don't know how long that ray of sunlight had been peeking through the gap in the curtains before it found its way to my face; nor do I know how long it took me to become aware of it. I'd been dreaming that I was flying a plane, which is strange, because I never had any ambition to be a pilot. But I wasn't going to lie, it was amazing, and I felt care free, it was just me soaring the sky, and the clouds were my best friends, happy, and thinking back I envied that dream me. But, me, I was just stuck in this big mansion hiding the real me, the proper me away from the rest of the world. 

I sat up straight in my bed and looked over to my huge window holding my balcony with its metal hands, and I saw my beautiful garden staring right back at me, it was like looking upon a green heaven. And I would admit it, even if it was my house, it was the best part, and I'm telling you now, my house was magnificent, but my garden, it was just breathe taking.

It had a long thin, white path, with bundles of flowers colour coded, and trees that guarded all the grass and flowers, so green, and lush. A little way down the path there was a gazebo, that was a great part as well, but my favourite, one that stood out from all the rest was a little cabin right at the end of the garden my dad had built it when I was little, when he actually cared about me, before all his work had taken over his life. Well his and my mother’s lives. This cabin is like my little hide-out and.... I JUST LOVED IT OKAY?!

I jumped out of bed and placed my, still warm and perfectly pedicured, feet onto the cold, hard, ground. I quickly searched for my slippers and found them hidden under my bed, slid them out with my feet and placed them onto my now shivering toes and put them an all the way. I stretched, revealing a little of my stomach, and then I let my arms go limp by my sides and walked straight into my bed room shower, I let the water run while I drifted lifelessly into my walk-in closet, I had to admit it, my closet was oh so dear to me, and it was huge, but it had all the clothes that I needed, or just the ones that I wanted.

I heard my phone ring and I ran out and found it buzzing and trying to fall of the bed side table, well, since I'm very well-known and like in school it was a little obvious that I was going to get calls this early in the morning. I groan when I realise that it was Jessica, my best friend, well sort of, she was like, the one who kept me in line, and hung out with me the most just for the popularity, I knew this, very well, but I only put up with it because there was no one else that I knew as well as Jessica.

"Hi Jessi." I said with only a little enthusiasm.

"Hi Vi! What’s up?" She says, a little too happily, this always annoyed me.

"Nothing, listen when are you going to get here? And hurry, I've got a bath running." I say getting a little irritated that she interrupted my morning.

"Uhm, well that's why I called you. You see, George, that really hot guy from school, well he offered to give me a lift this morning, and I couldn't say no, so I said YES! Isn't that great? I'm going to be in the same car as George!" 

"Wait, hold on a second. How am I going to get to school?" I say, a little hurt that she chose a guy over me. I walked over to my bathroom and shut the taps before it overflows.

"Well, you can get there by the bus." She said simply. While I start changing, and as soon as she finished saying this I stop.

"WHAT!" I scream, I think Marissa (our maid) and Boris (our butler) heard it from down stairs. Never before have I been on a bus, and I wasn't going to start now.

I heard a faint car beep from the other end of the phone." Oh! He's here, I'm sorry Violet, but I couldn't turn down a hunk like George now could I? Listen I'll speak to you later. Bye!"  I hung up without saying bye and angrily flung my clothes off me.

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