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Hey I'm so sad that season 4 of Glee is coming to an end :,( but I heard that there's going to be 2 more seasons so that makes me happy :) I deffinetly think Ryan Murphay should Make Blaine pregnant it would me sooooo cool. Sadly I don't own Glee:(.


Blaines POV

I was sitting on my bathroom staring at the three little pink sticks that were teasing me, Taunting me. I heard my alarm go of it had been 3 minutes, I turned over the tests to see two little red lines on each test. I was pregnant. I'm only 16, What am I going to do, How am I going to tell Kurt, Oh God Kurt what will he say will he want the baby. I just sat there on my bathroom floor crying my eyes out that was until I heard a chap on the door.

"Hey B you ok are you sick again" I heard my twin brother, Bryce asked.

"No" I cried.

"Come on Bro let me in"


"Come on please was it Kurt did he break up with you, I'll kick his ass if you want"

"No but he will"

"Unlock the door and talk to me ok"

I unlocked the door and Bry fell in, He sat beside me and hugged me.

"What's wrong"

I moved the pregnancy tests closer to him.

"Oh, Ohhh, Your pregnant"

I nodded.

"Your scared Kurt will break up with you"

I nodded again.

"And Dad he'll hate me more than he already does"

"He doesn't hate you Blainers"

"I know he does Bry"

He rolled his eyes at me.

"Well you've got me Ill help you tel Dad and Kurt if you want"

"Thank you I think I should go to the doctors first"

"Ok want me to book you an appointment"

"Ill do it"

I dialled the number for the hospital.

"Hello Lima general"

"Hi I'd like to book an appointment"

"Ok whats the name"

"Blaine Anderson"

"Ok Is Today at 12 ok"

"Yes thank you"

"Your welcome"

I hung up.

"Ok well we better get rid of these" He said pointing to the tests.

"Where will we put them"

"I don't know"

"A show box, I've got one under my bed"

"Ok, Well it's 7 I better get to school, Love you little brother, Take care, I'll meet you at the hospital at 12 ok"

"Love you too, Bry and thanks"

"No problem Phone me if anything happens ok"

I nodded and he left, I put the shoebox back under my bed before digging out an old picture of my mum.

"Mama what am I going to do"

I decided to stay of school, What good will come from it anyway, Kurt worrying, Maybe Finn and Sam passing some snide comments. I texted Kurt.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2013 ⏰

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