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May 7th,

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I'm working on a new book that I'm going to finish before I publish it so people don't say "PLEASE UPDATE". They're so annoying that they work.

If some one comments that they want a sneak peek of my new book then I might just give you one on here.

August 3rd,

Here we go a sneak peek from my new story :)


"If you hope that the rest of the world is like this, then you are mainly right. Beyond here all is unknown to us. People can tell us stories about everything but do you trust them? The only way to know is to find out ourselves. Do we want to sit here forever and watch the world burn or do we want to watch it flourish?"


I'm 2 chapters into writing it, and it's taking a lot longer than I tought :/

February 28,

I haven't been writing much lately because I'm writing a manga. I'll get back to you guys soon!

March 7,

OH hey! Four chapters into my old book :) 

I'm thinking of Wattpadding more, what do you guys think?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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