Chapter One.

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Part One

"Come on, come on it's like five minutes past he's never late to lunch." I muttered shamelessly to Lucille as my brown eyes were trained on the door waiting for Brad to enter, this is pretty much how I spent the majority of my days, waiting to see Brad, or waiting for the next time until he spoke to me in the hall. I always have been helplessly in love with my best friend Brad Dawson, over the years where he has increasingly become the most popular guy in school and we only really spoke on occasion it became more intense. We share glances and smiles in the hall but he has no idea how each smile effects me, sighing I looked down at my lunch deciding to start on it rather than waste time watching the doors.

"God Lydia you seriously need to just tell him how you feel, how do you know he isn't harbouring the same pathetic crush on you." I roll my eyes looking at her before tucking a loose strand of dark brown hair behind my ear.

"Because, Luce this is the Brad Dawson, not my best friend from four years ago in middle school, he is some kind of God around here and I'm just me, Lydia Snow." She rolled her eyes at me and suddenly grinned remembering something.

"Have you seen the new kid yet? He'll make you forget all about dream boy, he's undeniably gorgeous, like some kind of Abercrombie model, just wait until you see him!'' She gushed on and on about this new guy Aaron or something but my attention was steered as Brad walked in with the rest of his jock friends, he scanned the room and settled his eyes on me giving me one of his breath taking smiles before joining the cheerleaders at their table.

God that smile could light up this whole town. His mouse brown hair was neatly placed out of his eyes and his navy blue varsity jacket suited him perfectly and matched the colour of his eyes, God stop Lydia you sound like some obsessed fan girl.

You are an obsessed fan girl.

Oh shut up!

Snapping at my obnoxious sub conscience I began listening to Lucille as she snapped her fingers in front of my face. 

"Are you even listening to me? This guy is out of this world, if I didn't already have Jerome I would totally be all over him." I giggled at her words knowing that she was absolutely in love with her boyfriend Jerome, they'd been together three years this summer and were totally still as in love with each other as they were when they first got together. I was jealous of Lucille in some ways I guess, with her perfect relationship and striking good looks. She tall almost 5'11, mixed race tan skin and long curly black hair, her features made even more beautiful by her sparkling hazel eyes. Jerome was taller at 6'1, dark skin, good looking, whilst he was popular it was because of his academic abilities, he's top in every class and is editor of our school newspaper.

"Well I guess I'll keep an eye out but for now I have Chemistry to get to, you know how Mr Kingsley gets if we're late and I need to run to my locker." I sent her a small wave before gathering my things and heading to my locker, once there I took out my Chemistry and Calc text books, my last two classes before my first day of being a senior is officially over. When I got to class I noticed Brad leaning against what has been our desk as lab partners for the last three years, I smiled and headed towards him when I noticed someone else sitting at our desk, its always just been Brad and I considering the odd numbers in our class. The dark brown almost black hair was scruffy his face hidden in the desk as he leant on his arms but he didn't need to lift his head for me to know who he was.

"Looks like we finally have our third group member." Brad announced once I was close enough, "unfortunately I've had the pleasure of meeting him, he's just a delight." Brad quipped giving the boy a disgusted look and his tone was dripping with sarcasm.

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