1:35 pm

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day 1
You look at me. I stare back. Our eyes interlocked.you are the only person I see and I am the only person you see. A smile brushes across my warm face. Followed by a shy blushing on my hot cheeks. A piece of your hair falls past your vibrant eye and a perfect smile over comes your face. I can feel
the blood pounding through my body. And then I know know you are the one.

day 4
I step outside. My bare feet skim the grass as I run. I am staring at you. In an instant I yell your name, mid sprint. You briskly turn. Our eyes locked and we escape the world. Your arms wrap around my lonely body. I pull mine around your cold neck. And then we Stand there two bodies as one two hearts just the same

day 6
My crave for you is deep. Deeper then the mysterious ocean depths. I crave to feel your soft lips on mine. Strong arms holding my fragile body. Fingers in-between mine clenching tight. If you are my addiction I am already higher then clouds.

day 7
Maybe it's our jumbled up brains or our rambling conversations.
Maybe it's our passionate love when our lungs turn to deflation,
Maybe it's our eye contact or our thoughts levitation,
Maybe we've tasted desire and became stuck in starvation.

day 9
I look towards you as you walk around the wall towards me. As we get close you hold out your arms. Our bodies colide my head on you shoulder. It only lasts a moment but it is the best feeling.

day 12
There was always that small creaky voice in the back of my head telling me to leave you alone. It's like i knew I would be writing broken hearted poems all about you.

day 14
And I'm sitting here once again. The water is turned past boiling. I'm crying. I can't feel anything. All I want is to feel something besides the feeling you give me. I can't do anything, except have the thought of you revolving inside my head. You are the only thing blaring inside my veins and pumping throughout my body. I can't feel anything. There's only a headache ofyou bouncing through the walls of my skull.

day 15
I stare into your pale baby blue shimmering eyes. I am forever stuck in this wonderful overwhelming trance. You cup your fragile hands on my tear stained cheeks. I notice only a flash of regret in your cracked eyes as you turn away. I stand still in fear for if i move i will collapse in sadness. I'm stuck with your handprint on my Porcelain doll face. knowing I was only a toy for your silly messed up games.

day 17
I'm laying in my cold bed caged under my duvet. I'm looking straight up at the popcorn ceiling above my bed. Each burst of white shoots a memory of you through my brain. You always loved the way my eyes lit up as I saw a blank piece of paper infront of me. You adored when I drew my feelings on that page. The thought of you sends shivers racking my body. I quickly text you "we need to talk".As a tear goes down my cheek I click my dim light off. As darkness surrounds me I fall into a deep slumber.

day 18
I am jolted awake by the sound coming from my phone. I squint as the bright light on my device shows a notification.(1)missed call and I text from you. My heart soars into the sky.Ifeel like jumping up into the clouds and never coming down. It reads "about what". I reply shortly after "meet me at the park in 10". My heart fluttered. He texted me back. He's coming to the park. He wanted me back. Or at least I thought he did?

I Snuck of my house hoping my family wouldn't hear me leave. It was a chilly night, well I guess morning. How of earth would I talk to him?! I thought to myself.

I saw him. Standing there. Under the slide. He was there. I walked slower trying to catch my breath.

"hey"I pronounce
"hey right on time,I always loved that about you".
My heart dropped, I missed him.
"I miss you".I explain.
"ya i know". he replies cold.
I shutter.
"do you miss me?"
He looks at me and pauses.
I can see the gears shifting in his brain.
My heart breaks into 100 pieces.
I look to the ground
"why" I proclaim almost in tears
"Look I..." he says quite loud
"why are you doing this" I yelp like a lost puppy
"I have to go leave me alone, freak" he shouts.
I run home in tears and jump into bed with my head spinning.

7:00 am
My alarm is blaring. I sit up. I remember last night. I cry. I can't breath. I can think. My shattered heart is being stomped on by a hairy Sasquatch.

7:30 am
I finally get the courage to pull myself out of bed. I have to catch the bus at 8:00. I get ready for the day redoing my makeup several times because my tears destroy my work. I leave the house.

day 19
I arrive at school. I see him. He looks at me and gives me an evil smirk. He grabs the girl next to him and kisses her. He stares into my eyes and all I can do is stare in awe. He shouts "look at that freak she is so gross."My eyes welt with tears and I sprint to the bathroom.

I'm in the bathroom. Class has started. I'm crying. I'm in so much pain. My whole body is wracked by another set of crys. I'm so alone.

day 24
3:15 pm
I know all I can do is sit in a plastic chair on in a wooden desk day afterday. I can't stand the thought of you.I feel as though I have ran out of tears to shed.

day 30
I stare at you.you stare back. its been a while since. I walk away this time. towards a better life. and for once this feeling in my heart Is happiness

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2015 ⏰

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