Chapter 1: The memories only fade.

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* Input intro music * R:Ratchues S:Spike T:Taka (these are the characters lines under those letters)

R: "MOM PLEASE, PLEASE MOM NO!"Rats hand reaching to the door begins to fade.

Rat bursts out in tears, gasping for air as a white light fills the room. Frantically searching around the white room, Rats vision focuses. "W-hat...? I-I-I-It... was just a... dream" Rat sighs in relief as the tears flow out of the corners of her eyes.

She begins to feel an overwhelming sting in both her arms and grunts as she looks down quickly. Blood begins to soak the clean blue sheets, and her eyes dart to needles spread all around the floor below. "O cr-" Cut off by a familiar voice Rat looks over at the tall figure standing by the wall. T:" That was even worse than your last freak out, now look what you did." Sighing a heavy breath the tall figure known as Rats doctor Taka crouches and begins to pick up the large needles scattered all over the checkered floor. "Geez little lab rat you can sure scare a guy" He chuckles looking up at her from below. "Had another bad dream? You know you should really stop passing out during the daily injections. I would think you've gotten use to them by now."


"This guys name is Taka he's my doctor, well not exactly a doctor but more of one of the testers. I've known him for as long as I could remember. I lost my memories of my childhood and the only thing I can remember before I came here is that horrid scene. I dunno what happened back then. But I'm guessing ever since then... I was submitted to this hell hole. By testing I mean getting shots aka injections every 24 hours. It sucks and I seriously am not use to it what so ever... it still really hurts. I guess I end up passing out when I get them. But after words I'm always waking up screaming and in tears.. I really wish I knew what exactly triggers those major freak outs...But I'm guessing that repetitive memory hurts my heart. "

T:" Hey Rat? you there? " Takas voice snaps her out of her thoughts. "Heh, you're a weirdo you kno' that? I'm guessing you spaced out or somethin'... you really need'a stop that." He sighs as he fixes the tools on the counter. Rats quiet raspy voice breaks the silence and Taka watches her as she speaks. R: "Taka... can i ask you something...?" T: "Um... sure ask away?" R:" Well.. I was wondering... when am I able to leave this place? I-I really.... hate it here.." Taka replies " Well, you should know that you're most likely never going to leave until they find no use of you... and dispose of you.." He sighs with a frown on his face and places his hand on her head ruffling her blue hair " My poor little lab rat is getting tired of this place huh..? Well I hope you never leave and you will be of use for as long as you live.. I'd get lonely without you here." He smiles and removes his hand. "Even if I wanted to help you.. I can't. They have all my information in the system so I can't leave this place or they'd end up tracking me down and killing me." Tipping his head to the side a little he continues "Sorry my little L.R.... I'm of no use to you just don't dispose of me yet." He smirks while lifting his hand into the air waving goodbye as he leaves the cold room into the hallway and shutting the door behind him. (The end of chapter 1) ~I really really hope you found this interesting to read in some sort of way xD It's kinda boring I guess but It might get better~~~ you should keep reading ;) thanks for at least reading up to here xD comment any suggestions on how I can make it easier to read or something!~

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